my infiniti is coming up on 37500 miles, and that means oil change, brake inspection and suspension inspection. going up to sac to see the race so i got the check up done today. woke up, took off the intake (put stock back on for warrenty) and i went to the dealer. i asked him, they wont drive it anywhere right? no joy riding? oh no no no, were not like that here. ok, well i wrote the miles anyways.
so i go home, come abck and pick up the car. dropped it off with 171.1 on the trip, got it back 174.3..... i fuckin knew it, told the service manager that i was pissed (unfortunatly i had already paid otherwise i would have refused) anyways, my next service is free and i get a free detail coupon but damn, so muc heffort into keeping it mint and some prick beats the hell out of it going around the block a few to know someone was doing that to my car. i told em i was disapointed with this, honda, ford, i could understand since they're shitty companies anyways, but infiniti is supposed to be luxury high class shit.
oh well, fuck dealerships, only went because my warrenty
anyone else been dicked by car places like this (besides toyota charging an arm and leg for parts or service)
so i go home, come abck and pick up the car. dropped it off with 171.1 on the trip, got it back 174.3..... i fuckin knew it, told the service manager that i was pissed (unfortunatly i had already paid otherwise i would have refused) anyways, my next service is free and i get a free detail coupon but damn, so muc heffort into keeping it mint and some prick beats the hell out of it going around the block a few to know someone was doing that to my car. i told em i was disapointed with this, honda, ford, i could understand since they're shitty companies anyways, but infiniti is supposed to be luxury high class shit.
oh well, fuck dealerships, only went because my warrenty
anyone else been dicked by car places like this (besides toyota charging an arm and leg for parts or service)