The stock driveshaft started vibrating and making we'rd noises in the whole motor/transmission.
So I ordered an aluminum one.
I've ALWAYS wanted one....... But Ou$h!
It started making noises with this new turbo I have partially tuned in. It started to add a lot of drag on the car, and you could tell the bearing section of it got WAY hot as indicated by the burnt rubber and cast metal looking like it was baked almost hot enough to melt.
I guess after 20 years, it finally breaks. It was a damn good driveshaft that's for sure.
So I ordered an aluminum one.
I've ALWAYS wanted one....... But Ou$h!
It started making noises with this new turbo I have partially tuned in. It started to add a lot of drag on the car, and you could tell the bearing section of it got WAY hot as indicated by the burnt rubber and cast metal looking like it was baked almost hot enough to melt.
I guess after 20 years, it finally breaks. It was a damn good driveshaft that's for sure.