I fucking love people


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
I just had some drunk person somehow find his way to my house in the middle of a very nice area, and start causing a lot of noise. Me and my dad go outside (me being smart grabbed a blade, no 12ga but i think its coming soon). We ask why he is here, and he comes up with "I am cold". Its 30* outside and this genious is walking around in a sweater and buttondown. We escort him down the block, past the little shopping center and repair garage/gas station and finally let him walk his sorry ass away. 1/2 the time he is on his cellphone babbling about some random shit and me and my father are quite ticked off. Its one thing to call around for a place to crash, but to go to some person's front porch and start banging around is one of the dumbest things someone can do at night. This just makes me want my CCW that much more (32 days until i can apply)**Sigh** sorry for the rant.

PS as far as I can tell, our cars and house are fine, and the same goes for boostinsupragirls talon behind my garage. Everyone in the house is a little shaken up.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
If he was cold and drunk, then seriously - I would have called the cops. Let him spend the night in a holding cell.

Best for everyone, IMHO.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
Doward;891060 said:
If he was cold and drunk, then seriously - I would have called the cops. Let him spend the night in a holding cell.

Best for everyone, IMHO.

yeah that is the better option


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I dont think I would have went walking with him down the street and left the family alone, but I wasn't there so I don't KNOW what I would have did. Luckily everthing seems to have turned out O.K. Glad nobody was hurt.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
yeah let the cops deal with him next time. he could have been leading you to muggers... its a dumb plan but hey...it could happen. glad you (and your things) are OK.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Supracentral;891425 said:
Homework for you:

Step 1: Buy gun
Step 2: Learn ultra secret telephone code 9-1-1

Gun is on its way, im 21 in Feb. I had the cell on me, along with an open blade in my back pocket if anything were to go amis.

This guy can go and freeze his ass off for all I care. He left the party and couldn't get back in (from what I remember of his mumblings), not to mention the cars parked in someones front lawn down the st.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
foreverpsycotic;892061 said:
Gun is on its way, im 21 in Feb. I had the cell on me, along with an open blade in my back pocket if anything were to go amis.

This guy can go and freeze his ass off for all I care. He left the party and couldn't get back in (from what I remember of his mumblings), not to mention the cars parked in someones front lawn down the st.

i would have called the cops..

as much as i hate to say i would...

im sure ive been the drunk walking down the street fromt he partie once.. but i know better to disturb those who are not bothering me..

if i would have walked past "his " possible car i would have stoped and let my dad walk him further called the cops, and then cought up..

it 1 would have made the guy realize he has a problem, i hope,

2 would have put his cold ass in a warm place.

i know this is besides the point, but he sounds like he was drinkin and driving...

i am on the road between 3-10 hours a nite, and when i see a posible drunk driver i call in theri plates and describition of behavior, along with area i first saw them, and direction their heading, i'll stay on the phone long enough to end the call with the dispacter.