Sadly, this was me. I don't really know how it happened - whether the whole single mom of 3 with 2 jobs deal distracted her, whether she honestly couldn't care less, whether I was convincing enough of an innocent to make it seem like I could fix any bad grade or if she was just a bad parent/me a bad student - but I can only recall ONE single time (and the rarity makes it stand out) that my mother actually told me to do my homework and looked it over.
There were two occasions where, for some panicky reason I don't remember, she straight-up did my homework for me. I think I'd been out sick and she just decided to "catch me up." One other time, my sister helped me with my cursive, and yet another, my brother drew some pictures for a report I did on the Titanic.
These are the lone memories I have of family involvement.
Every night, I'd come home, write little stories in my notebook, play with some toys and that'd be it. My motivation to do homework came from not wanting to be chastised by a teacher and get embarrassed, or seeing a TV character doing homework and thinking, "Huh, looks cool when she does it." Sometimes the subject interested me and I did well, sometimes it didn't, and I didn't.
I started flunking classes left and right for refusal to do work in 7th grade. Got put into the work study program. Meetings held, a "counseling" session or two. Then I started being moved around from state to state between my mom's house, my dad's house, and my mom's job relocations, and was advanced to the next grade TWICE, even though I'd failed the year before -completely-. I still don't know how this transpired.
Eventually my mom decided to home school me, bought a single book that I never opened, and she went to work all day. I played on the computer.
. . . Looking back, I'm pretty sure it was me who was the doofus. I had a lot of opportunities that I wasted. I re-enrolled to the 9th grade, a year behind everyone I knew, dropped out before Christmas and got married.
Now, I read history books, online articles and (occasionally) Supramania, for the debates.

Trying, very slowly, to repair some of the damage I've done to my education. I may never have a certificate of any kind, but at least I can study on my own so that I'm not a total dunce. I hate the thought of being stupid, and how long I was.
But it should be noted I don't BLAME her. I don't blame the school, either. I was told a million times by various superiors in school that if I didn't pay attention and do my work, I'd regret it. It was MY choice not to listen.