What I posted earlier for my macroeconomics class in regards to why a guy can't get a job.
Most likely he's among the millions of Americans who are too stupid to read a book and follow basic instructions and can't do a simple math problem without the aid of a calculator.
Our teachers and school officials on all levels have failed us, starting in Kindergarten. If our teachers can't pass a simple test that makes sure they are proficient in basic math and the subject they are teaching, there's no hope for the youths they're teaching. The last person I want teaching me is someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. This is why I never turned to my parents for help with my homework, because I knew they didn't understand the material I was learning.
I seem to remember my 1-3 grade teacher giving me books on writing cursive in the 2nd grade and having another teacher take them away from me, saying that they were too advanced for me and that I should wait until the 5th grade to learn cursive. This was around 1991, which dates me and shows just how little faith I have in my educators. The last thing they should be doing is preventing me from learning above and beyond.
Tom DeWeese gives prime examples in his criticism of our education system.
" Fuzzy Math means students won’t master math: addition, subtraction, multiplications and division. And "Conjugate a verb? Diagram a sentence? Learn to spell? This is language class. We have more relevant things to learn. ...
Instead, Fuzzy Math teaches students to "appreciate" math, but they can’t solve the problems. Instead, they are to come up with their own ideas about how to compute."
One book being used in classes is called "The Book of Questions." Designed around situation ethics, the authors openly admits that "this book is designed to challenge attitudes, values and beliefs." Again behavior modification – not academics is the root of this exercise."
And lastly "in Geography where, instead of looking for Colorado on a map, children are instructed to make a "Me" map to psychologically profile the children. In Civics, instead of learning how the government runs and of the great checks and balances that the Founding Fathers installed to protect our liberties, children are taught how to be "global citizens" under the UN’s Declaration on Human Rights." In Health classes children are taught about Mother Earth – Gaia, with lessons on the Sierra Club as heroes."
Seriously, is a basic education really that complicated? My god, folks, lets get our heads out of our asses and teach are children to have a freaking brain instead of growing up to drag society down.
To quote comedian Christopher Titus from his 5th Annual End of the World Tour CD set who was having dinner with his dad, Chistopher said "(serious of unintelligible words), my dad looks at my wife and says "California public schools, can you translate?""
/my short rant