Supramania Contributor
Death by hanging FTW!
(s)atan666, you know who you are Lucifer, and you need to STFU. LOL
History is always written by the victors, and yet there are many recorded battles and wars in history that have slaughterd many more millions of humans that this current war on Islamic Terrorism.
You just love to push people's buttons, and feed the trolls, but at the core, your a dullard who can't think for himself, and you just want the rest of society to come down to your level of retarded thinking.
Good luck on that one.
I for one have been around the world a few times, seen many great things, and will live to see many more. I make my own decisions, and at this point in time, the best form of existing goverment on the planet is headed up by George Bush. Is is perfect? Nope. Is it the best government on the planet today? Yes.
It is my opinion, but one that's shared by billions around the globe. Just ask anyone who would like to be like America, or would move to the USA if given the chance in a heartbeat.
Freedom is excellent, but it's not free by any means. We have to defend it from butt nuggets like that dude who's about to be hung, and from less famous feces like yourself that endlessly troll away to spread your socialist bull shit, ever pressing the PC agenda, and what Bill O'Riley calls the SP's, or Secular Progressives. You are just as much an enemy to my freedom as any Islamic Terrorist, perhaps more so.
(s)atan666, you know who you are Lucifer, and you need to STFU. LOL
History is always written by the victors, and yet there are many recorded battles and wars in history that have slaughterd many more millions of humans that this current war on Islamic Terrorism.
You just love to push people's buttons, and feed the trolls, but at the core, your a dullard who can't think for himself, and you just want the rest of society to come down to your level of retarded thinking.
Good luck on that one.
I for one have been around the world a few times, seen many great things, and will live to see many more. I make my own decisions, and at this point in time, the best form of existing goverment on the planet is headed up by George Bush. Is is perfect? Nope. Is it the best government on the planet today? Yes.
It is my opinion, but one that's shared by billions around the globe. Just ask anyone who would like to be like America, or would move to the USA if given the chance in a heartbeat.
Freedom is excellent, but it's not free by any means. We have to defend it from butt nuggets like that dude who's about to be hung, and from less famous feces like yourself that endlessly troll away to spread your socialist bull shit, ever pressing the PC agenda, and what Bill O'Riley calls the SP's, or Secular Progressives. You are just as much an enemy to my freedom as any Islamic Terrorist, perhaps more so.