Hussein's trial


Supramania Contributor
Death by hanging FTW!

(s)atan666, you know who you are Lucifer, and you need to STFU. LOL

History is always written by the victors, and yet there are many recorded battles and wars in history that have slaughterd many more millions of humans that this current war on Islamic Terrorism.

You just love to push people's buttons, and feed the trolls, but at the core, your a dullard who can't think for himself, and you just want the rest of society to come down to your level of retarded thinking.

Good luck on that one.

I for one have been around the world a few times, seen many great things, and will live to see many more. I make my own decisions, and at this point in time, the best form of existing goverment on the planet is headed up by George Bush. Is is perfect? Nope. Is it the best government on the planet today? Yes.

It is my opinion, but one that's shared by billions around the globe. Just ask anyone who would like to be like America, or would move to the USA if given the chance in a heartbeat.

Freedom is excellent, but it's not free by any means. We have to defend it from butt nuggets like that dude who's about to be hung, and from less famous feces like yourself that endlessly troll away to spread your socialist bull shit, ever pressing the PC agenda, and what Bill O'Riley calls the SP's, or Secular Progressives. You are just as much an enemy to my freedom as any Islamic Terrorist, perhaps more so.


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
Adjuster said:
Death by hanging FTW!

(s)atan666, you know who you are Lucifer, and you need to STFU. LOL

History is always written by the victors, and yet there are many recorded battles and wars in history that have slaughterd many more millions of humans that this current war on Islamic Terrorism.

You just love to push people's buttons, and feed the trolls, but at the core, your a dullard who can't think for himself, and you just want the rest of society to come down to your level of retarded thinking.

Good luck on that one.

I for one have been around the world a few times, seen many great things, and will live to see many more. I make my own decisions, and at this point in time, the best form of existing goverment on the planet is headed up by George Bush. Is is perfect? Nope. Is it the best government on the planet today? Yes.

It is my opinion, but one that's shared by billions around the globe. Just ask anyone who would like to be like America, or would move to the USA if given the chance in a heartbeat.

Freedom is excellent, but it's not free by any means. We have to defend it from butt nuggets like that dude who's about to be hung, and from less famous feces like yourself that endlessly troll away to spread your socialist bull shit, ever pressing the PC agenda, and what Bill O'Riley calls the SP's, or Secular Progressives. You are just as much an enemy to my freedom as any Islamic Terrorist, perhaps more so.

it may be the best form of gov't, but it can easily be better. let's make some changes, shall we? i won't outline the changes b/c you know where i stand.

by the way, i think over 700,000 innocent people are dead in Iraq b/c of "Operation Freedom." A National public radio study estimated 650,000 on oct. 11. this is absurd.

nick m, adjuster, etc: you must agree with me on some level that this number is absurd.


Apr 4, 2005
No. I'm not just trying to push people's buttons. I do believe that George W Bush will be on trial when he is no longer president. No doubt in my mind. I may be off base, i may be succumbing to conspiracy theories... but theres two sides to a coin and i chose this side. why does everyone need to try and belittle me and ridicule me for my opinion? that just shows how fucking immature you guys are. If you can't stand having a reasonable mature argument/discussion without trying to personally attack people.. then good luck. This community has turned into a pile of shit.. im out


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
NATAN666 said:
I do believe that George W Bush will be on trial when he is no longer president. No doubt in my mind.

Again, state the statute(s) that he broke & what he did to break then & I'll listen. Until then, it comes across as whining.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
i may be succumbing to conspiracy theories... but theres two sides to a coin and i chose this side. why does everyone need to try and belittle me and ridicule me for my opinion?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however, you are not entitled to your own facts.

You post links to spin sites that are inaccurate and not taken seriously. So why are you belittled? You have to ask?

The very first site is called "impeaching Georeg Bush" Don't tell me you think it is accurate. You know it isn't, and you are intellectually dishonest. After this thread I am done with you, as you bring nothing but lies to the board.

You are opposed to somebody who runs a country that you do not even reside in. You opoose and bitch about everything he does for politcal gain. You want a socialist to run this country, and every country. If it means lie, you will. And you have been caught.

This President was relected with a large majority percentage wise. He stomped his opponent who says the same things you do. Get over it, he lost. Why don't you go join the Taliban. Those pages would be comical if they were not so insulting. Consider yourself on the watch list.


Supramania Contributor
You guys know who started the Iran/Iraq war that killed 10's of thousands of people? (Some say it was more like a million dead over the 8 years of open war, and around 12 years of conflict...)

During this time the guy who's about the twist in the wind used poison gas on his own countrymen, the Kurds who did not want to fight with Iran, and did not want to be dominated by a Sunni Moslem government any longer.

It is likely that as the truth comes out over the next decade, and Iraq becomes a land of freedom and open thought, inshallah, that the history will shock and awe many with the sheer scope of just how many died in camps, prisons and other places while spider hole man was in power. (BTW, inshallah means "god willing." and is a very poplular saying in most Arab lands. And there is humdeallah, which is like tomarrow, god willing.. or something like that. LOL)

Anyway, my point is what has been done in Iraq is awesome, and if we can keep Iran out of politics in Iraq, it will grow into a very great country again, with freedom and be a haven for open thought and advancement in the world of Islam. (If that's even possible anymore seing how so many in Islam are so radical and want to hold onto power over the people using the religion as the base of power.)


Jul 10, 2006
Vancouver, Washington
I assure you, that you will never find REAL documents approved by Bush to kill thousands of innocent people. The most you will find is documents made up by people like yourself, and michael moore, and kerry to politically uphold themselves and stir controversey. I myself believe that, and so do many many others; that hussain did infact murder people, maybe not by his own hands, but direct orders. If you believe Bush murders thousands of innocent women and children, then tell me why our soldiers try to save the people they shoot. We are not there to kill, but to make change. Sure, the U.S. ignores many wars or political issues in third world countries, such as not taking full force to North Korea, though I believe Iraq was a much, larger threat to America than North Korea is. Sure, they tested nukes, but.. so have we? I do not see them attempting war, yet.

I am also highly suprised that you take so easily to terrorism, when I know that terrorism has also happened in the UK, like the london train bombings. Maybe you believe that terrorism can be stopped from nice little political talks with the terrorists, but in my firm opinion, I would never sit down and invite a terrorist for coffee, or tea to negotiate.


Jul 10, 2006
Vancouver, Washington
Of course Bush's most heinous crime and his greatest blunder is committing America to an act of aggressive war against a country that had not attacked us. Americans now realize that there never was any factual evidence that Iraq threatened us.

This is from one of the web pages you mentioned, i took the time to read it.

Americans now realize that there never was any factual evidence that Iraq threatened us. Not as a Country, but the people residing IN the country, may I bring up 911? The london train bombings again? Even the many terrorist acts brought up against the trade center before 2001, and also against U.S. embassies in third world countries. We are hated, WHY? the answer is fear. Fear encorporates all of our decisions and reactions. I believe the Iraqi people would rather stop terrorism in their own country than be ruled by a higher power who owned them. In the USA, the people have free speach, the reasoning behind people like Kerry can say the military is full of unsmart hillbillies who had no chance in the "REAL" world. You, and many, including Kerry; bring up the opinion that President Bush is an uneducated fool, correct? Although Bush aquired higher marks than Kerry did at Yale.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I was wondering how the Bush administration posted up details on how to build a nuclear weapon from Iraq documents, if Iraq didn't have a nuclear program? Just a thought...


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Nick M said:
I was wondering how the Bush administration posted up details on how to build a nuclear weapon from Iraq documents, if Iraq didn't have a nuclear program? Just a thought...

explain that a little further please, I must be a simpleton...:biglaugh:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Of course the number of civillian casulties posted by the left recently are full fledged fabrication. Just like W's National Guard AWOL story, and various other "stories" during the election cycles.

For 700,000 civillians to be killed since October of 2003, that would be over 500 per day. Something we know has not happened. When 12 or 30 day in a day from a bomb it is everywhere. Are you seriously trying to pass off that 500 people every single day have bit the bullets of terrorists? Even the most liberal "good will" groups would be all over it if it were true. The Red Cross would be begging for help daily if it were even close to true. This discussion gets no more commentary from me, it is ridiculous.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
rakkasan said:
explain that a little further please, I must be a simpleton...:biglaugh:
No problem, soon to be Madam Speaker was just kidding...

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D said:
"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."

For you liberals in denial, this is what your leader said in entirely.

As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.

The responsibility of the United States in this conflict is to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, to minimize the danger to our troops and to diminish the suffering of the Iraqi people. The citizens of Iraq have suffered the most for Saddam Hussein's activities; sadly, those same citizens now stand to suffer more. I have supported efforts to ease the humanitarian situation in Iraq and my thoughts and prayers are with the innocent Iraqi civilians, as well as with the families of U.S. troops participating in the current action.

I believe in negotiated solutions to international conflict. This is, unfortunately, not going to be the case in this situation where Saddam Hussein has been a repeat offender, ignoring the international community's requirement that he come clean with his weapons program. While I support the President, I hope and pray that this conflict can be resolved quickly and that the international community can find a lasting solution through diplomatic means.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Sen. Jay Rockerfeller (D said:
There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction

This is only two of them. They all know it, and said it.