Hurricane Dennis


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
mcpcola said:
a tree fell on mine. crushed the front bumper and fender ...
eh, There are plenty of people with those bumpers that want to go '89+ anyways. Fenders aren't too expensive either. I seen them go for less than $50 on eBay.
Just tell us the hood is not damaged, that would be a bigger deal, I would think.
It could have been A LOT worse, such as striking at the rear quarter panel area. Then, at that angle, you would probably need to fix the glass and some body work (metal bending and such).

I have an very good cond '88 bumper in red. PM me if you are looking for parts.

I am planning on moving to the southeastern region of Florida myself quite soon. All this makes me wonder if it is smart having a car you care about in that area...maybe getting something that won't upset me will be the better way to go living in such a location.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
drunk_medic said:
...Just checking in with you guys and letting you know that all is well - for now. I'll be back whenever.
Drunk_medic & mcpcola,
thanks for keepin us up to date. I just recently posted but have been watching what is going on in this thread since it started.

Just saying, I am listening/reading/interested/waiting for more updates on all this.


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
I am covered i have a complete 87 in black that has a perfect body and a targa top may do some swapping soon as well as a roof swap got to love the targa


people who complain about hurricane's in florida, are like people in oklahoma complaining about tornado's or California complaining about earthquakes...

when your part of the country is known for it's natural prepared.

not being a dick to our members in those places...just can't understand why every hurrican season people freak out.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
lanky189 said:
people who complain about hurricane's in florida, are like people in oklahoma complaining about tornado's or California complaining about earthquakes...

when your part of the country is known for it's natural prepared.

not being a dick to our members in those places...just can't understand why every hurrican season people freak out.
Well, when everything you have is in jeopardy (your cars, your house, your savings, your childrens toys), it won't be hard to understand why it is a concern. They are not complaining, just telling us what is going on with them, that is all. Also, it is not so easy to prepare your investment (house and all of the property within it) for such damage sometimes. Sometimes people would like to move, but that is also hard at times because of roots.

No one is complaining in this thread, they are just telling their friends/future friends what is going on with them. And if they can't tell us that, ...


Apr 1, 2005
Clearwater, FL
lanky189 said:
people who complain about hurricane's in florida, are like people in oklahoma complaining about tornado's or California complaining about earthquakes...

when your part of the country is known for it's natural prepared.

not being a dick to our members in those places...just can't understand why every hurrican season people freak out.

It is the anticipation we have to sit around waiting for 150mph storms that gets everyone excited. With a tornado or earthquake it just happens and there is not time to complain or freak out. I moved to FL 3 years ago and never thought hurricanes were that big of a deal.....oh well that is what insurance is for.

I'm sure if you knew a tornado was heading your way 3 days in advanced and you were going to lose potentially everything you may make a post about it ;)


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
lanky189 said:
people who complain about hurricane's in florida, are like people in oklahoma complaining about tornado's or California complaining about earthquakes...

when your part of the country is known for it's natural prepared.

not being a dick to our members in those places...just can't understand why every hurrican season people freak out.

It is hard as hell when its 90 out with no Electric, Natural gas, or running water and you have a very limited supply of bottled water, canned food(with no way to cook it) and money. No one will help you cause we all are with out and you have to look into the eyes of a 1 and 3 year old and hope that something happens so you can put food in their mouths and keep them from dying of heat stroke and staying up all night in pure blackness watching for those who loot and threaten your family.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
people loot other peoples stuff, WTF thats just wrong. and far as food goes i would buy a lot of ham, salted ham stuff. might get old but it will keep you alive. and as far as water goes, if you know 3 days in advance a hurricane is comeing, use the sink and by a bounch of gallon jugs. or save the milk jugs when there is no hurricanes. "BSA moto: Be prepared"


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Luckily, I live on a military base. Still, I would not put it past looters to jump the fence. Security is minimal, sometimes nonexistant during times like this, and looters in my area are really persistent. People I work with have told me stories of them staying through Cat II and III hurricanes and greeting looters at the door with a gun. One guy I work with has a pet pitbull that took a chunk out of someone during Ivan last year.

I was not expecting water, gas or electric, but I did fill the bathtub with water and a neighbor called and told me that power is reported to be on now. I should be back tomorrow night. I HAVE to be back by Thursday morning.
I'll tell you.. I really need to beef up my survival/bugout kit. My wife and I need some weapons and ammunition, just in case a huge CatIV/V comes along and decimates the area.


ok folks, let's all breath, i wasn't calling anybody anything, saying it's not worth being worried about,

if you're running low on water, that's on you for not's florida, there are hurricanes EVERY YEAR, i feel for your situation especially involving children who are helpless mostly. My point was more towards the media, making this big story over it, hurricanes in Fla are old news...old as in, forever.

Inno... i just can't understand the hype.

and yes.. i've lived thru quite a few intense huricanes,/tornadoes/blizzards.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
its coo lanky no one was thrown a brick at u. i think he was just trying to get the point accros that even tho they do come every year it is still a big deal. hell when places like india have eathquakes then the media is all over it, and that happens quite often.


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
yeah the media is starving for attention its very hard to prepare completely since you are not sure where you will be or when everything will return to normal we have electric now and water but you can spend 1K and still not be prepared for everything that happens. Hell ivan cost us 3,500 just to have 2 trees removed and we were with out power and water for 2 1/2 weeks. hell as we speak Emily is following that same path as Ivan and Dennis did.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
The thing that messes me up during Ivan is the fact that my wife was in Pensacola with her family. They took off for some reason and left my wife there without a car and with VERY little food or water. I was up north at a base for the evacuation [sometimes you get picked to go with the aircraft when they take off, so you can work them if anything breaks]. I couldn't get in touch with her after the storm hit, and I was worried sick. I knew that some bridges in Pensacola were out, so I had actually planned to walk and swim out to Pensacola. It was one of the only options that I could think of at the time. Luckily, she was able to contact my family, and through a few friendly channels, someone was able to get her back home.
Next time a disaster comes, I am hoping to be better prepared if we decide to stay - water, MREs, weapons - a decent survival kit.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I am back at my place right now. We have power, cable, water.. no damage anywhere, even to the windows. Car is fine - just a little dirty. The yard needs cleaned, and one big branch from a tree broke. It didn't even peel away from the tree completely. Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day at work.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
drunk_medic said:
I am back at my place right now. We have power, cable, water.. no damage anywhere, even to the windows. Car is fine - just a little dirty. The yard needs cleaned, and one big branch from a tree broke. It didn't even peel away from the tree completely...
Thrilled to hear it!!
Two reasons:
1) For you and yours of course.
2) And also because I am paying attention because I am moving to South Florida, where they have the same problems.

JD was telling me yesterday how the houses are now much more hurricane proof, as opposed to the way they were before. We were discussing that because I was saying, "is it even wise to have a nice car in such an area?" and so on. I have talked to some people who live in the city of Ft Lauderdale after last year's hurricane season, and they said that no damage came to them despite those 4 hurricanes.
I really liked S Florida, but seeing that they are at risk so often makes me wonder about so many things -- including if that is the best place for me to go. But I just loved it there more than anywhere else, except for the super expensive areas I visited in California.

Having fine and expensive tastes (such as some cities in this example) is a good thing in some ways, but it can be also a curse in so many other ways, and can make you never content!