how to set timing??


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
i tried setting the timing on my 89 turbo a/t and had no success.. it cranked but didnt start, and made a weird sound.

i set the bottom crank to the "0" indicator and i have the two cam gears pointing exactly upwards. is that all i have to do? could my engine possibly be on the wrong stroke? also i have N/A cams in it if it makes a difference. i really need help with this and i havent gotten any solid answers. If someone can help me get this, i'd highly appreciate it! if someone would be kind enoyugh to assist me on the phone ill pay for the phone call as well.


Yes, i tried searching, and couldnt find a solid solution.


Aug 28, 2006
Baton Rouge LA
put crank at 0* make sure #1 piston is at TDC cam gear notches should be straight up and the CPS pointer should be 1 o clock or so. If you have to adjust with a light you must jump the te1 e1 ports and you must have no trouble codes


New Member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
assuming you read the TSRM on how to set it, and that your CPS is set correctly.

(this is all by personal experiance and is no means a firm route)
have the crank set to 0. align the to p marks. and put the belt on (starting on the drivers side up around the gears and onto the idler last). then spin the crank 6 times by hand (thtas 3 full cycles) check where everything is, if its not aligned correctly remove belt and try again (i found you have to twidle around w/ the marks a little to have them line up correctly, I.E. i set my crank at 5*btdc to have the marks line up correctly) after they are set correctly tigthen down the tensioner pulley. hook up your timing light and jumper T1 and E1, and check timing. adjust cps w/in specs, tighten down, and remove jumper, check timing again. if its still good then ur off. hpe that helps.

and no it doesn't matter that you have an NA cam.


New Member
Apr 9, 2007
Is the Cam nose suppose to be pointing up to the oil filler hole when the cam gears are aligned with the notches on the back plate and the crank is at TDC.
hope some1 can help both of us


New Member
Oct 17, 2006
San Diego
nokills said:
Is the Cam nose suppose to be pointing up to the oil filler hole when the cam gears are aligned with the notches on the back plate and the crank is at TDC.
hope some1 can help both of us

:dunno: i always use the back plate. if the notches are aligned i could really care less which way its pointing. (providing the cams is put on correctly, the dowel is int he correct place on the cam, and the gear is on the hole.) plus its honestly not an accurate way of telling you anything.. it'll just give you a ball park. and the crank is really irrelevant to the timing of your cams, disconnect the belt. set the camps and put the crank at 0* attatch belt. this way you never have to worry about what stroke ur on.