How to save money


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I'm talking down to every dollar matters. I wanna get my Supra project in gear, and I think I spend some of my money wastefully. I'm going to cut back on any soda/flavored water ect ect, and just drink tap water.... but for food, whats a good healthy affordable diet I can live off of thats not to tough to cook? I'm also going to try and stay away from the arcade lol.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Come on SOD, you can't stop living just for a supra..............Did I really just say that?

One word...............Roman noodles. O.K. that's two words, but I've heard college guys live off of them. Fast food restraunts is where you probably spend most of your money. Go buy some bread and peanut butter and jelly. I think that has all of your vitamins ans minerals all in one


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
They are called Ramen Noodles. And they have the nutritional value of eating cardboard...

Dude, don't screw your life up for the car.


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
Higher paying job? Work more hours? Dont buy fast food, ive learned that. I lost 25 lbs. in 2 months by not eating fast food anymore. That and working outside 9 hours a day in the Florida heat. Its a better diet. And plus fast food will nickle and dime ya.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Do not buy fast food n sodas...Not only do you save money but also your health.
I do that...I dont buy burgers..I just make my own sandwiches.

I always think before I buy something..."Do I really need this"
And do not take too much money when you go out...its temptin to use it all...

Last edited:


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
i'm starting a supra fund to go along with my other funds. $50- 75 a month to retirement, (i just graduated highschool, but it's never too soon. :icon_bigg ), $300 a month to supra fund until i have the money for a rebuild, and about $200 a month to fun, which includes gas money. :3d_frown:

no fast food for me!


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
Don't keep your money in your pocket. Start a savings account, and put money in it every time you get a little to spare.

When I'm a work, I used to go get fast food... The grocery store next to my business has plate lunches though. Cost for a main thing with two sides? $2.63
Much cheaper than 5-6 bucks for fast food. Probably a lot heathier too.

boost PSSH boost

SM's Welding Guru
Apr 4, 2005
Marshall, WI
heh, I just have to resist buying things at Harbor Freight. I go in there for a $10 cutting wheel...end up spending $100 on other stuff.

I gotta buy a chip burner and romulator for TurboEdit and some exhaust piping...then I can get my turbo on the civic and start spending money on my supe.

If you're not allergic....


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
How to save money.......don't own a Supra...? between my two Supra's I had so much money laying around, I didn't know what to do with all of it :aigo:


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I'm still young, I wouldn't saying I'm screwing up my life for my car.... I've gone so far I can't look back, and I'm close to reaching the point I'd like to be, so I'll keep going all out.

Anyway, I'm done w/ Ramen, I've had enough of that sh1t in my life already lol. I think it comes down to drinking water and yeah, making some sandwhichs and PBnJ. No more fast food, No more soda!


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
boost PSSH boost said:
heh, I just have to resist buying things at Harbor Freight. I go in there for a $10 cutting wheel...end up spending $100 on other stuff.

I gotta buy a chip burner and romulator for TurboEdit and some exhaust piping...then I can get my turbo on the civic and start spending money on my supe.

I have the same problem!

My take on this subject is it's just a car it'll wait!

These days we're into instant gratification we want it and we want it NOW.

If you can't afford to do it now put the project on hold and shock horror try SAVING it's an old concept I know but it does work ;)

In the time you'd be screwing around on the car not really achieving anything due to low funds you could be earning $$$ to SAVE and when you have enough folding start up again.

I see so many kids driving around in cars that no way known could they afford working the typical low paying jobs and think it's either indulgent parents or they have no hope/desire to own a home so are maxxing their credit cards for a car..

The sad thing here is if anything happens to the car they don't have the funds to repair it and can end up owing $$$ on something that doesn't even run.

This IS an expensive hobby make no mistake about that.

I make good money own my own home and have a lot of disposable income to tip into it but sometimes I question my sanity.


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
Mac and Cheese with Tuna

Protien and Carbs will keep you going and each meal will only cost you about $2

You can even be really cheap and use water instead of milk in the Mac and cheese

I used to also do a can of Cambels tomato soup with a full row of semi salted crakers crushed into it, and then add some tuna. It looks pukatronic but tastes pretty good just add some pepper

Just watch where you spend your cash. If it is to eat something fast then don't if its to read a mag, then dont. Just the simple things and you will have allot more cash. If you have change on you make a change jar that when ever you walk in the door in goes in there and can not come out. That way you can only have bills on you at any time. Works a bit better in Canada though since we have $1 and 2$ coins

There is literaly a ton of things you can do. Even just pay attention to what food you buy and if there may be a better deal on the same thing just maybe not a brand name


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
you have to change your lifestyle if you want to save money, clearly the lifestyle you have now isnt doing it so you have to change something,

what i have started doing,

dont carry more than 20 bucks on you, recognize what type of consumer you are, impulse, conservative... what?? im an impulse buyer so i leave my debit card at home and have minimal money on me to avoid buying stuff i REALLY dont need.

figure out a budget, take your bills tally them up, and take your pay stubs and figure out how much extra money you have, i talked to my employer and my money is direct deposit into checking and savings.

dont buy fast food, $10, at kfc vs a $10 pack of meat at safeway, compare them.

dont stop drinking what you want, just budget and pay attention to what you have, if all else fails apply the $3 dollar theory, for every $3 dollars you earn, spend $1, save $1, and invest $1.

keep your savings habits after you get your supra done too, when you find a comfortable spending range where you have what you need the shit just compiles like interest.

walk, ride a bike, buy a skateboard (lotsa fun), youd be surprised how often women are impulsed to give rides.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
seriosuly, what i did was i had 2 bank accoutns. 1 was savings and 1 was chequing. I usually had paycheckss that were about 350 every 2 weeks or so i woudl deposit 300 flat in the savings and the rest in chequing. then i would never spend money form savigns and only form chequing. my momney kept on growing and now i have a car.
but yeah if your spending a lot just dont buy fast food and shit liek that... just realise that the amount of crap they put in it will make you suffer when you're older. Oh and for my savings, i never went hungry and i ate healthy. you just need to know what to buy. for your snacks, supplement the 5 dollar choco cookiews for 2 lbs of apples from a farm. Much healthier, tastier, and easier on your wallet. Cleans your teeth as well.
Oh and some noodles you can buy have fruits in them (i dont know the name) and they have protein. oh yeah if you want good healthy drinks, buy protein shakes. they come in a barrel, taste good and will give you nutrition.