How to Replace a MKIII Driveshaft Carrier Bearing for $50


New Member
May 25, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
alright, im going to give that shot and see how it works, if its that cheap its worth a shot. only thing im worried about is the angle, since this bushing is already way past worn out im not going to be able to make any measurement of where it originally sat. the angle of the 2 shafts should be close to the same correct?


New Member
Sep 18, 2007
Hi guys, I recently had the bearing go, and remembering this post had a look around for that truck part, but in the UK its pretty tricky to get hold of, so I thought i'd try to find UK equivalent.

Lo and behold I found something - its from a vehicle made by Ford that is ubiquitous in the UK and probly sold all over the rest of the world too - any guesses?

It looks exactly like the toyota one - the smaller version you get on a GA70 anyway. The holes are exactly right, tiny issue is theres kind of a metal shroud which is just a teeny teeny bit to small for the wider bit of the prop to fit into. Its not a seal , not meant to be oil / air tight , so I just widened it a bit . i put 8 little cuts into it with a hacksaw and just tapped the segments out a bit. literally 2 minutes.

Then your all set! I only use my car a little at weekends so it would take me years to fully road test it , but ive done a couple hundred miles - seems fine. I got this bearing for 12UKP on ebay, about $18 dollars i guess.
Fot that kind of money its worth i try i thought!

The vehicle in question: Ford Transit van.

(i'll put a pic up when i get home)


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
Fords use almost every driveshaft center support in the book, kind of vague..

i have an extra center support laying around... >=) ill see if i can size it up at work or my driveline shop


New Member
Sep 18, 2007
well , the important thing about the supra drive shaft bearing is that its 30mm diameter. Armed with this info all you have to do is find a 30mm bearing and adapt / make a bracket.

typing "30mm propshaft bearing" into ebay (uk) brings up the Ford Transit van bearing in question - its even cheaper now - 11UKP, free delivery. It seems to fit the majority of these vans but not sure if its all, especially as i think the lastest ones are FWD, but if its got 30mm in the title - thats the one!

the ebay ads have a comptibility list showing exactly which vehicles have that bearing

here it is on US ebay site for $17
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New Member
May 29, 2012
Wanted to knwo if those using the orielly bearing instead of the ford bearing which one did you get? I have a 1991 turbo with a r154, so would it be the 6061(1.257 i.d.) or the 6062(1.181 i.d.)


Active Member
May 19, 2010
After almost 7 years and 30K miles mine started to develop a high speed vibration and I tracked it down to the carrier bearing. The rubber shrunk from age and was moving around a few mm in the outer shell. It was also sagged a few mm.

I'm replacing it with one of the no-name Korean made center support bearings that are listed for the 1990+ cars on ebay for $60 from several sellers. They don't list them as fitting the 87-89 but the only difference I can see is that it's much more reinforced than the old OEM 87' bearing. The outer shell steel is twice as thick.

I spent about an hour digging in my bolt bucket for the original spacers, lol. I don't know why I threw them in there. I found one of them and made a second one on the lathe to match it since I got tired of digging.

Also, the napa rear ujoint I installed back when I did this was not only bad but the caps deformed and were loose in the yoke. Not impressed with that. I put a new Spicer joint in and it fits properly in the yoke with a press fit. I will have to see if changing that joint will require a rebalance. I hope not because the local driveshaft place went under and the nearest is an hour away.


New Member
Feb 28, 2022
My driveshaft has a TON of play in it, and I was told I need to replace the carrier bearing. While it is all apart though I am thinking of taking the driveshaft to a drivetrain shop and having them balance it. What do you guys think? mobdro
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Supramania Contributor
My driveshaft has a TON of play in it, and I was told I need to replace the carrier bearing. While it is all apart though I am thinking of taking the driveshaft to a drivetrain shop and having them balance it. What do you guys think?

When mine goes, I think im going to make the switch to a one piece driveshaft and be done with a $300 bearing. Just an option to think about. As for the balancing, i havent heard of many folks over the years having one balanced.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Rather than go the Ford Ranger bearing route, there are good carrier bearings available now on Ebay, designed for the Supra. They only cost around $65. I replaced mine when it went bad, and never had a problem afterwards. I don't know if a stock driveshaft needs balancing, but I would probably replace the bearing first, and see how it felt.

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Apr 3, 2005
Rather than go the Ford Ranger bearing route, there are good carrier bearings available now on Ebay, designed for the Supra. They only cost around $65. I replaced mine when it went bad, and never had a problem afterwards. I don't know if a stock driveshaft needs balancing, but I would probably replace the bearing first, and see how it felt.

Good to know they last, I was contemplating them...

If you needed to balance the entire driveshaft assembly, do they balance it as one whole piece with the carrier bearing or in 2 seperate parts (front half and then back half?)