Can anyone please post the steps on how to remove the stock steering wheel for a noob. I have an 89 MK3T. Thanks.
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Loki said:Undo the screws holding the center horn piece on, then disconnect the horn and set the center section to the side. Undo the big nut holding it on and kind of wiggle/tug on it till it comes off. Just becareful not to pull to hard or you'll nail yourself in the chest when it comes off
Idealsupra said:do above... but leave the nut on a couple of threads (prevents knocking yourself out with the wheel lol)
Same here, it was easy to pull off. I'm going to remember Ideal's method for when I find one that isn't, though.Loki said:Good plan, the only time I've ever taken the wheel off all I had to do was take the nut off and touch the wheel and it came off. No pulling required, but that is a good way Ideal.