So I got bored searching on last night, and decided to paint something. I grabbed my Plastic Tamiya Chrome Silver "X-11" and decided to paint the gauges. It turned out really well Actually. Plus I got to clean up a bunch of stuff.
Here's how to do it.
First you have to remove the gauge cluster from the car. It's simple, you will need a 4 way screwdriver.
1. You'll need to remove the shifter surround, in automatic transmissions you'll need to put it in "L" to get it out. Or 4th gear in a 5 speed. Just don't start it "Some neutral switches don't work!"
2. Remove the Screw on the drivers side by the sifter
3. Remove the ash tray, pull it out, and remove the 2 screws (They will be up top of the ash tray hole), remove this.
4. Pull up by the coinholder or "TEMS" buttons on the shifter surround. It will pop, but it's rivets so you're good.
5. Remove the headlight washer harness (Only the sport packages have this.), the hazard switch harness
6. Set this aside, and start with the Coinholder, Cruise control, ect. You will have only 1 screw on the bottom, feel around and you'll find it.
7. Pop it out, remove the harnesses from the switches.
8. You'll see a screw directly in front of what you removed, it's holding a black piece that surrounds the top of the gauge cluster, remove that, and all the ones along it. Remove this.
9. Remove all the Screws backed by white plactic on the gauge cluster, pull it directly towards you to remove the speedo cable from cluster.
10. Remove all the clips in the back, and angle it out to get it past the steering wheel. And bring it inside the garage or house.
Now you'll need to remove the clear guard. This is pretty simple, be careful, if it doesn't want to remove you're missing something and don't pull hard.
1. It's a total of 8 screws and the odometer reset.
There are 6 total screws on the top, pretty straight forward. Then the 2 by each vent holders. Next the odometer reset, simply turn this counter clockwise and the tip will come off, allowing it to remove completely. Next you'll need to (Just slightly) pull the back of the clock wires. Now you have to use a small flathead screwdriver, to remove the vent clips. 6 total. It will remove the full clear plastic piece.
After this, set it aside on something soft.
Now you have to remove the black piece, this is also easy but be careful..
Remove the vents by fliping it over on it's back and removing there will be a total of 6 screws. Finish by removing the screws holding the boost gauge wires and the security wires in place (2 security, and 3 boost)
After this, paint, let dry, paint and see how it looks. Before you put it all back together, clean the vents with a couple q-tips and use glass cleaner to clean the inside and outside part of the clear overlay. You can paint it any color you want, and switch things up. You'll have to take the same steps to do the chrome gauge bezel you can buy from vendors.
Here's the outcome!!
Here's how to do it.
First you have to remove the gauge cluster from the car. It's simple, you will need a 4 way screwdriver.
1. You'll need to remove the shifter surround, in automatic transmissions you'll need to put it in "L" to get it out. Or 4th gear in a 5 speed. Just don't start it "Some neutral switches don't work!"
2. Remove the Screw on the drivers side by the sifter
3. Remove the ash tray, pull it out, and remove the 2 screws (They will be up top of the ash tray hole), remove this.
4. Pull up by the coinholder or "TEMS" buttons on the shifter surround. It will pop, but it's rivets so you're good.
5. Remove the headlight washer harness (Only the sport packages have this.), the hazard switch harness
6. Set this aside, and start with the Coinholder, Cruise control, ect. You will have only 1 screw on the bottom, feel around and you'll find it.
7. Pop it out, remove the harnesses from the switches.
8. You'll see a screw directly in front of what you removed, it's holding a black piece that surrounds the top of the gauge cluster, remove that, and all the ones along it. Remove this.
9. Remove all the Screws backed by white plactic on the gauge cluster, pull it directly towards you to remove the speedo cable from cluster.
10. Remove all the clips in the back, and angle it out to get it past the steering wheel. And bring it inside the garage or house.
Now you'll need to remove the clear guard. This is pretty simple, be careful, if it doesn't want to remove you're missing something and don't pull hard.
1. It's a total of 8 screws and the odometer reset.
There are 6 total screws on the top, pretty straight forward. Then the 2 by each vent holders. Next the odometer reset, simply turn this counter clockwise and the tip will come off, allowing it to remove completely. Next you'll need to (Just slightly) pull the back of the clock wires. Now you have to use a small flathead screwdriver, to remove the vent clips. 6 total. It will remove the full clear plastic piece.
After this, set it aside on something soft.
Now you have to remove the black piece, this is also easy but be careful..
Remove the vents by fliping it over on it's back and removing there will be a total of 6 screws. Finish by removing the screws holding the boost gauge wires and the security wires in place (2 security, and 3 boost)
After this, paint, let dry, paint and see how it looks. Before you put it all back together, clean the vents with a couple q-tips and use glass cleaner to clean the inside and outside part of the clear overlay. You can paint it any color you want, and switch things up. You'll have to take the same steps to do the chrome gauge bezel you can buy from vendors.
Here's the outcome!!