How to change brake fluid?


Mar 31, 2005
Seattle, WA
MikesFixedRoof;1554624 said:
I was wondering how some guys say they remove as much old fluid from the mc reservoir as possible with a turkey baster or whatever. I read that and was thinking to myself how nearly emptying the reservoir can be in any way a good idea when you're about to crack open a bleeder screw. I'd feel far more comfortable keeping that fluid level nice and high, as dirty as it may be. It'll get clean eventually.

You take out the old liquid and then refill it with new liquid...
That way you don't have to bleed all the stuff out of the MC as well, seems pretty obvious


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Cz.;1554654 said:
You take out the old liquid and then refill it with new liquid...
That way you don't have to bleed all the stuff out of the MC as well, seems pretty obvious

And contaminate the new fluid...... :nono:

If you're not going to do the job properly why bother doing it at all....


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Am I the only one that uses Speed Bleeders? I have them on all my vehicles and makes bleeding brakes easy, no vac to hook up or deal with. Just pump the brakes and monitor the reservoir fluid level. If I can ,I'll have the GF pump the brakes while I pour in fluid then the job takes a few minutes max, other wise I'm jumping from the driver seat to under the hood and then it's a 10 minute job.

Also I buy small bottles of fluid unless I'm doing something major. I don't like to use fluid that has been sitting on the shelf after being opened for too long. If it's been on my shelf for a few months I demote it to brake parts assemble only fluid.