How much wrenching do I need to know to own a mkiii?

  • Thread starter superpandapower
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Mar 30, 2005
Eugene, OR
you need to know how to buy dinner and beer for the local mkiii guyss to come help you out, and you need to be open to learning a lot about your car very quickly. I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I didn't know jack about the specifics of fixing these cars when I got mine


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
That's right-a great willingness to learn is essential. And there is nothing wrong with having other Supra guys help you with stuff. Who knows, maybe you'll pick up a skill some day that other Supra guys will be contacting you to use in order to help them out.


Apr 4, 2005
Glendale, CA
IMO the supra is the best car to really learn hands on mechanical work, I mean sure in my old 240 I did my oil, tires etc etc, but with the supra, your really in there, and strangely its dam fun!! and I"ve only had it for 10 months now, point being, dont be so worried, btw I got an N/A and cant wait to swap in a Turbo, somewhere down the line..


If all else fails-Kick it
Aug 28, 2005
I just wish someone woulda warned me before I bought my mkIII. All I really knew when I bought my car a year ago is that Toyota made a reliable car, and that I went "oh $h_t" when I got on the freeway during the test drive. I bought my Supra 18 months ago for $5000. It had a newly rebuilt motor (by a dealership) and a recent paint job. The only problem anybody could find on the car was a scratched tems controller.

Well I've learned... the car knows when you've saved enough money for a mod. And as soon as you do, it knows to break something. This is especially annoying when you are away at school and cant do your own work. I'm not saying that I would know how to fix a car, but I think I could figure it out if I had the space to work.

So to answer the question, if you don't know how to do the work yourself, get a good job. Since May 2004, I have spent $3,566.78 on repairing my car. This includes (but not limited too): 1 transmission, 3 alternators, 1 battery, 1 water pump, other little parts. But every cent has been well worth it. I just wish someone woulda warned me before I bought my mkIII.



Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
its really sad how much people have to work on thier mk3's... i realize random things can AND DO go wrong, but it is a reliable car.. spend extra on factory parts (or upgardes) and it will be reliable, fix little problems before they become big ones

Slow Poopra 7MGTE

i def agree with ck on that one, my cars been way to good to me, i blew up an old tired motor that i knew was on its way out but i fix problems before they come big, always keep an eye on things, car is good to me


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Ckanderson said:
its really sad how much people have to work on thier mk3's... i realize random things can AND DO go wrong, but it is a reliable car.. spend extra on factory parts (or upgardes) and it will be reliable, fix little problems before they become big ones

yea i have had very minor problems with mine, i guess when you have a turbo and you want to make it faster, its going to require just that much more mantainence.


Wow, sounds like it's a lot of money to just keep the mkiii going. Dang, I've been wanting one ever since I first saw them as a little kid, but I must keep on saving. Someday...

How much would you guys say to spend on the purchase of a mkiii turbo and then how much should I set aside for maintenace/repairs? I was expecting about 5k in initial and 2k in maintenance, but that seems like it's kinda low compared to what's being mentioned here.



Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
You only need enough tools to do a hg. once you have the tools, things just fall into your brain and it gets 90% cheeper.


New Member
Aug 8, 2005
Virginia Beach
well if you look around and dont just buy any supra then youll be fine, 5k is acutally a good amount of money. with 5k you can even find a slighlty modded out supra, with all preventive maintanence done already, MHG, BOV, INTAKE, exhaust, injector and some other good mods that are good preventive maint.

Ive had 2 supras so far. 1 N/A 90 Hardtop with exhaust intake and rebuilt engine and pristine exterior and body as well as its interior. i got this one for 1500, with 90k on the body less than 2k on the motor.

then my recent baby that i just lost last month in a wreck(by a COP) topic will soon be in off topic! haha interesting story.
2. 90 Red turbo targa, with a blow head gasket. BUT but BUT, fully built bottem end with all factory parts FROM TOYOTA and everyone knows how expensive toyota parts are, it had everything from PS pump, transmission, clutch, flywheel, to TAIL lights to interior, to speakers!, it had 76k orig miles on body. PERFECT RED body, with perfect grey cloth interior. i got this for 2500.

but liek everyone said it takes attention.
with the first car i maintained it and it stayed alive until some one ran into me and totalled it, but i had no problems with it. but it was an NA so it wasnt as much as an attention horror as the turbo.

with the turbo i reaplaced the head gasket with the metal one from hks 2.0 metal stopper, apr head studs, with the bottom end fully buil by toyota, i only had to build my head with new cams rings and gakets. I loved every moment of working on it. Got the head and block lapped, and re -surfaced sealed it down. And just babied my baby. Had a brand new toyota fresh TURBO, so i did not have to mess with that, had brand new stock IC and IC piping but i wanted metal so i got my FMIC from nopi, got cutom hard pipes and OMG IT RAN LIKE A DREAM.

but all in all, all you need, is time, money, and passion, and youll be fine.

altogether ilve only spent 4k with everything done. new head, head internals, head rebuild, FMIC, pipes and IC pipess.

just spend time with it and it wil treat you the same way. learn to love it, because if you dont, it will hate you.

theres my two cents.

PS you dont need to be a mechanic freak, you just need to have an open mind, because youll learn so many things that are new about cars. i was a toyota tech but when it came to supras, they were in their own little class, anmd i was like damn this is hard, ahah but it was fun to learn everything ive learned about supras. but even with that, when something goes wrong i still have to get input from my fellow supra people cuz its not as simple as a honda. lol

THE SUPRA is the god of all cars, with a supra as your tool you can do any thing on any car after working on a supra youll be surprised.
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