If you have three engines.... sell two, then you'll have money for your project. Depending on condition and what the engines comes with (etc.) will factor in and from what I see, any two of those you decide to sell should give you some decent pocket change.
If not, you just want to move on or whatever reason you have for not wanting to do it. Sell an engine and get started with some money in your pockets. Use however much of the money you need to pay for whatever you need to put the rest of the supra together (parts, labour, whatever...or you might have everything you need and you pocket it all). Sell the supra all buttoned up, running and what not and take a little time selling the last engine.
(I say sell 2J first, put in the 7M [unless the car is ready to accept a 1JZ without much work or hassle] and sell the 1J after).
Reason I say sell an engine first is because then you have some money to use while your putting the supra back together rather than working on it, making 0 as the days go by.
Other than this advice, I agree that you're going to need more details for a more accurate estimate from the community, and bear in mind, it will be just that.
Pictures will speak mostly for themselves. Problems the car has, work done on the engine(s), aftermarket parts etc.