How much do you like your city/town??


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
i moved from dallas to denver... i must say i did like dallas there were far more shops there to dyno etc.. denver is lacking... they are out there they just ALL deal with hondas basically and the ones who dont do hack jobs.

winter sucks here... not only is salt all over the road but you cant drive on it when its cold hehe. summers are a blast.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach

I highly suggest moving.

Bout a year ago I moved from northern cali (bay area) to Socal (next to the beach, kind of near LA)

I had tons of friends up north, people i had gone to school with, and friends i sold cars with. I gave up all of them to move to a place where I knew one person, SupraNick. I did it for the job I currently have now. It SUCKED... I had no one to hang out with and nothing to do.

Some friends came and visited but I really hated it, since I had nothing to do. I finaly met a few locals and everything opened up. I now love where I live and although the Bay area is "home" I love being in socal and wouldent trade it for anything.

Moving was one of the best things I did so I highly recomend it!

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
Ckanderson;974859 said:

I highly suggest moving.

Bout a year ago I moved from northern cali (bay area) to Socal (next to the beach, kind of near LA)

I had tons of friends up north, people i had gone to school with, and friends i sold cars with. I gave up all of them to move to a place where I knew one person, SupraNick. I did it for the job I currently have now. It SUCKED... I had no one to hang out with and nothing to do.

Some friends came and visited but I really hated it, since I had nothing to do. I finaly met a few locals and everything opened up. I now love where I live and although the Bay area is "home" I love being in socal and wouldent trade it for anything.

Moving was one of the best things I did so I highly recomend it!

Im really looking into original plan was to go back to school here in the area that I live...but Im just getting real sick of this place. Which sucks because I do love my job and my friends, but the area is just bleh.

My Friend is trying to get relocated from DC to one of these cities...he wanted me to tag along if he got the job in the mid san antonio area or DFW...i told him id consider it if he landed those places. so, well see what happens.


No Supra... For now ;)
Apr 10, 2007
Lacey, WA
Lived in Colorado Springs, CO for 23 years now, and I have mixed feelings about it......

On the plus side, the summers here are pretty nice. Usually doesn't get too hot, rains a fair amount, and decent fishing isn't too far away. The closest track is about 40 miles south, which isn't bad. Also, everything I've really ever known is here, so I guess its ok.

On the down side, I have no idea how some of these people even got their driver's license.... We all took the same fucking test, so how is it that you people can't take a round-a-bout to save your life, (yes, it was on the driver's test) OR figure out how to merge. The sign doesn't say "Stop," it says "Yield." The lane for the on-ramp continues for over a mile, so why do you insist on stopping at the end of the on-ramp to wait for a break in traffic? Press the skinny pedal on the right and speed up to 55-65 mph like you are supposed to, for the love of god. Also, in the winter time, it snows here..... You would think one of these days people would learn how to drive in the shit, but in reality, not so much. And then, when it only snows a little (road not even wet), everyone freaks the fuck out and does 20-25 mph under the speed limit, because "You could lose traction and spin out, causing an accident!!!" Please. Then onto the roads themselves.... As tlo86 mentioned above, we like to use the road salt, which I understand. However, the city of Colorado Springs likes to use an insane amount of the shit, which added to the moisture/temperature change/etc. causes these huge potholes everywhere, to the point where its almost impossible to keep a car aligned for longer than a week, or even drive a car thats lower than stock. Does the city fix these roads? Not until it starts causing accidents, lol. As for the car scene, if you like riced out/hack-job Hondas or DSMs, this is your city. I mean, those 2 probably account for 50% of the entire scene here, with the majority of whats left being taken up by Dodge SRT-4s/Neons, and Mustangs. Oh yeah, and then theres the law enforcement. Takes 45 minutes to respond to a "shots fired" call, or something actually important, mostly due to the fact that most of the police force appears to have nothing better to do than write 5-10 mph over speeding tickets, when they themselves usually drive at 5-10 mph over, anyway.

I think that about does it, really..... This is just my opinion/perspective, so if something in the above rant is totally/partially wrong, I apologize.

Summary: Colorado Springs = Mostly good, drivers bad.

End rant.
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2J = Here; Swap = Near
Apr 24, 2006
Dallas, TX
I love my town, one of the biggest and most tight knit supra communities, and tons of stuff... 3 road courses, 3 1/8th and 1/4 mile strips, a million dyno days and something going on just about every weekend, along with our weekly wednesday night dinner. Traffic isn't horrible, neither are cops, illegals are pretty low... This is much better that pretty much any other place I have been.

Johnny you should definitely move into the DFW area, I think you would like it here.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
GotTurbos?;974909 said:
Johnny you should definitely move into the DFW area, I think you would like it here.

well see what happens man.

OH btw, after you guys left when i was talking to you all in teh parking lot....probably like 3-4am.

couple friends and I went hooker hunting. LOL


Mar 18, 2008
Twin Lakes WI
Ill hop aboard and complain about where i live. i know there are some guys that live here in this forum so dont get offened. I really, really dont like living in Portland, Or. If it wasnt for fam issues, id be long gone back to N. Il, SE WI. Now dont get me wrong, the car scene is great from what i hear and PIR is 20 mins away. If you like the outdoors its great for that too, but everything else sucks big time they dont have tax on goods so the tax that comes out of your check is huge!. for someone who doesnt shop that much it doesnt help me, and along with that. With all that money they take you dont have a clue as to what they do with it. They sure as hell dont spend it on fixing roads or making there road signs anymore understandable. And for being so Hippied out Green People, save the trees type, why is it that the river that flows through the heart of the city is one of the most polluted rivers around. you cant even eat the fish. and you better hope you know where and what you need to find in ANY store or restaurant cuz there is no customer service. it will take you 15 min to find someone in Walmart for assistance. then there'll be 30 checkouts but only 1 open. then there is the byciclist that think they own the road. theres tons of them in downtown that dont watch where they are going. one hit my truck the other day, smacked right into it. i laughed pretty good. he wasnt amused but thats what he gets for being an idiot. you also have all these stupid bike lines and bike boxes to watch out for or youll get a nice fine. moving on, i know every city has bums but this place is rediculous. they all flock here from CA b/c the city is so welcoming to taking care of them. You cant walk 5ft w/o getting asked for money or what ever. and these arnt old dying bums. these are lazy ass YOUNG ppl who would rather just beg than get a job. ooooo, and we cant forget about the tweakers. METH is everywhere, you can spot them all day long. not too mention all the in home cooking labs they find everyday with the kids in the next room. O what else, dont plan on having a clean car b/c it rains everyday. you dont get a cool storm, no thunder or lighting. just slow steady rain everyday. Im jumping around alot here. just typing as it comes to me. back to the people. way to many self righteous quacks out here. cant count home many retarted bumbper stickers i c. from "im vegan, Im pure!" to "keep portland weird" by that they mean lets not shower. or "no more blood for oil" or "coexist" in all sorts of dumb symbols. but thats all they do is just talk, they say dumbstuff. then go home and feel good about themselves. This whole place seems like it has to do everything the opposite from any other town. "cuz were portland and were weird". oooo almost forgot, the Illegal Aliens. omfg. again i know everyone has them but damn. up untill about a month ago an invading, Illegal could just walk right into the DMV and apply for a license w/o a SSN. wtf is that. and they wonder why the town and suburbs is filled with mexicans and mexican gangs. I dont care who lives in the U.S. but have the damn curtosey of doing the right procedure and learn the freakin langauge. i guess im just beating a dead horse on that topic though. and yet im prolly still forgeting something. it seems like everyday i say to my self "hey add that one to my list of why this place sucks". so in short
PROS: drag strip, Mt. Hood, nature
CONS: rain, tax, lazy ppl, Meth, bums, roads, Illegal immigrants, polluted river in a "clean" state. the whole "green, weird comunity", byciclist. and prolly alot more.

Ive lived in WI, IL, MO, CA, and OR, and by far OR takes the cake for being the worse. again if you live here, dont take offense. hopefully you would agree with me on some of the stuff. if only been here 6 months. and really the only reason im writing is this b/c im bored and sitting in a small box looking at video monitors for 10 hours. and although i didnt mention it, there are some normal down to earth ppl here that i met. Thank God.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Houston, TX here.

Im sure most of you DFW guys and Johnny know about my city enough already. So im sure i dont have to talk about it to much. Just the basics 4th largest City in the USA, lots of traffic, lots of construction, lots of ricers, lots of illegals. Hmmm thats the city itself i live out in Katy, i moved from Alief (Just outside the Beltway) so it depends on where you live in the city i guess. For the most part i really like Houston, big car scene, if i were to move anywhere else in Texas, Dallas would be my next choice but as far as the cities i like go in Texas. Houston>Dallas. I still havent discovered all the shops in the area though but i plan to do so this summer.
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Knowledge driven
Mar 30, 2005
Seattle, WA
Hmmm, interesting thread. Have a few minutes, so I'll add my take:

I moved to Seattle last year for work. Before that I lived in Bend, OR for a year and enjoyed it as well and would go back but where I live right now is awesome to say the least.

I don't actually live "in" Seattle, but on the eastside which imo is the best area. Seattle itself has some great neighborhoods and things to see, but it's too crowded. The city that I am in is Kirkland and is one of the higher end cities in the area. Couple of buddies and I rent a house in the nicest part of the city where we're 4 blocks for the water, surrounded by million+ homes, and have virtually no crime to speak of.

If you visit this area, I highly reccomend the Kirkland nightlife... Other then being close to the water, I'm about 10 blocks from the downtown strip which is always busy day and night with live bands and outdoor dining. When I moved here it reminded me of socal/san diego with people out and about and typically fit and energetic. Basically it comes down to every day here there is something to do if you choose which makes it pretty badass.

Other then the local life, I haven't had a chance to do much car related things since I've been here other then working on my own stuff in the garage, but between snowboarding (within 1hr), boating (blocks away), quading (within an hour), hiking (all over), wine/brewery tours (minutes away), seattle sight-seeing, it's really hard to beat this area.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
I live just Northwest of Fort Worth in a little hick town. My neighbor is building a titty bar in North Fort Worth. Life is good.

I actually think the DFW area has got it going on. Just about anything you could ever want is here. The weather has it's moments but overall not bad.
JD, a socialite like yourself would benefit from this area and so would we.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
gtsfirefighter;975074 said:
I live just Northwest of Fort Worth in a little hick town. My neighbor is building a titty bar in North Fort Worth. Life is good.

I actually think the DFW area has got it going on. Just about anything you could ever want is here. The weather has it's moments but overall not bad.
JD, a socialite like yourself would benefit from this area and so would we.

see, i think that was my original problem with Corpus Christi. its too small for someone like me. I already know everybody, everything, all the shops, etc. ive been there, done that in corpus and it doesnt take much.

Being from Chicago, I miss the big city feel, the meeting new people all the time and seeing some of the old ones at the same seats at the bar. networking, getting to know new people, swapping stories, blah blah blah. Sometimes I even think Austin is too small for me.

BUt youre right, a socialite like me would benefit in the DFW area due to its massive size and endless events and opportunities. Which is why the area is in consideration.

I was explaining my whole female networking scheme via myspace to Roxanne (a radio DJ in Chicago)...that I meet one girl via myspace..we talk for a bit, get to know one another and gain trust. Im not out to fuck this girl, im out to network...this girl has girl friends and I want to meet them. So Ill take her out, we have a good time, I eventually meet her friends, we exchange names, numbers, stories, good times, bad times, etc. etc. etc. just acquiring friendship and trust. Come time when I throw a party, ive just acquired 4-8 new female bodies into the mix to keep my sex ratio alive!....kinda tough in Corpus cause its a small city. big cities would do me well.

KevinM;975056 said:
Hmmm, interesting thread. Have a few minutes, so I'll add my take:

I moved to Seattle last year for work. Before that I lived in Bend, OR for a year and enjoyed it as well and would go back but where I live right now is awesome to say the least.

I don't actually live "in" Seattle, but on the eastside which imo is the best area. Seattle itself has some great neighborhoods and things to see, but it's too crowded. The city that I am in is Kirkland and is one of the higher end cities in the area. Couple of buddies and I rent a house in the nicest part of the city where we're 4 blocks for the water, surrounded by million+ homes, and have virtually no crime to speak of.

If you visit this area, I highly reccomend the Kirkland nightlife... Other then being close to the water, I'm about 10 blocks from the downtown strip which is always busy day and night with live bands and outdoor dining. When I moved here it reminded me of socal/san diego with people out and about and typically fit and energetic. Basically it comes down to every day here there is something to do if you choose which makes it pretty badass.

Other then the local life, I haven't had a chance to do much car related things since I've been here other then working on my own stuff in the garage, but between snowboarding (within 1hr), boating (blocks away), quading (within an hour), hiking (all over), wine/brewery tours (minutes away), seattle sight-seeing, it's really hard to beat this area.

Hey man, I have tons of family in seattle...and im telling you, if they didnt live there, i would move there lol. i know it sounds bad, but I couldnt imagine being close to my aunts, uncles and grandma without them driving me fuckin crazy. Seattle is a beautiful long as you dont drive :)


I'm a real Canadian
Mar 11, 2006
Ft. Worth/College Station
Johnny Dangerously;974974 said:
well see what happens man.

OH btw, after you guys left when i was talking to you all in teh parking lot....probably like 3-4am.

couple friends and I went hooker hunting. LOL

Did you get any kills? I hope you bagged the little Asian hooker we saw.

On topic: I love where I live. Roads are great, cops aren't bad, close to everything, all the development is new so everything is clean.

Plus all the things Jon (gotturbos?) said.

I love Ft. Worth.



Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Theresa and I live in Woodstock, GA.

Woodstock is currently the 10th fastest growing suburb in United States according to Forbes and has experienced a 70% growth rate over the past 10 years. Estimated population of 21,482 in 2006.

It takes about 40 minutes to get to the middle of downtown Atlanta.

The taxes are low. I've got an acre of land, our house has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Formal Living Room, Formal Dining, Kitchen, Office/Family Room (It's big - 24' x 12'), the infamous "bad girl room" :), with an attached heated and air conditioned 3 car garage as well.

We paid well under $200k for it. (Yes, read that and weep NY and CA people..)

Crime is low (practically non-existent), we have our own fire department and police force.

GA respects my 2nd amendment rights as well, so I'm pretty happy on that front.

There's plenty of shopping nearby, lots of food, etc.

In town there are several great restaurants. Examples would be The Old Towne Cafe On Main (I took Theresa here for Valentines day) or The Right Wing Tavern.

It's a nice town:






And you can be at the North Pointe Mall in 30 minutes if you really need to subject yourself to the mall. There's the standard array of fast food, Super Target, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc all about 10 minutes away from the house as well.

For car nuts it's a blast as well since we have a monthly cruise night on the third Saturday of each month at Riverstone Plaza about 10 miles up the road in Canton, GA. To give you an idea of how huge that is, the turnout runs about 400 cars, here's some pics:






And on the 4th Sunday of every month there's a cruize up into the mountains or some other scenic location:


So yea, it pretty much kicks ass.

Overall it's a damned nice place to live.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
angrydrone;975252 said:
Did you get any kills? I hope you bagged the little Asian hooker we saw.

On topic: I love where I live. Roads are great, cops aren't bad, close to everything, all the development is new so everything is clean.

Plus all the things Jon (gotturbos?) said.

I love Ft. Worth.


naw, adam knocked the door like he was the police and nobody answered. sigh.....was a lil disappointed.

next year gettin it...with a spy cam.

Mike, that looks like a great place to live for a man such as yourself. hehe, this can be taken the wrong way, sure once im a bit older and settled down, i would definately look into an area such as that.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Johnny Dangerously;975268 said:
Mike, that looks like a great place to live for a man such as yourself. hehe, this can be taken the wrong way, sure once im a bit older and settled down, i would definately look into an area such as that.

40 minutes to downtown foo. I ain't old.


Local Tire Destroyer
May 27, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
KevinM;975056 said:
The city that I am in is Kirkland and is one of the higher end cities in the area..

Have you been to BurgerMaster? It was good, and was the only place open at 1230am. Well there was a Burger King, but the Mexicans running it could not understand my order, so I battled my rental car across Mercer Island at warp speed and back before returning to the Burger place, it was right next to the La Quinta, not sure why I tried to venture past that. Where abouts is the nightlife part of kirkland?


Jan 22, 2006
East Coast
I live in Belair, MD and am going school in Towson, MD next year. I only got to appreciate my area once I moved down to Salisbury, MD to attend Salisbury University. Needless to say I'm transferring back up to a college about 20 minutes from my house (Towson University). I couldn't stand the poverty/ low income, cruddy roads, cops everywhere, stuff getting stolen, everyone always staring like they had something to prove, etc.)

I've found to appreciate the Towson/Belair area because it has:
- Low Crime Rates (Ex. Can leave my windows down when I park in my driveway)
- Excellent Car scene and automotive shops
- Excellent Restaurants
- 3 nice sized malls within 30 minutes
- Semi-decent drivers
- Nice Roads
- Excellent Bar scene (when I turn 21)
- Nice police
- Has mountains and ocean within a couple hours drive
- Middle to Upper-Middle Class area