how many tickets does it take?


New Member
Mar 19, 2008
none yet had my liscence for like 5 months i launch lightly 1 outa 5 lights and every 1 outa 10 i launch like im at a madman just so i can piss off some people.i always launch floor it until third then cruise never passing the speed limit. so the cars at the light pass me like 2 min later and are like wtf why are u driving the limit.......this one time i tried to drift and flew across 4 lanes of highway including the cement median ...........never again.......ftw im biulding a cfl chopper from the frame up........


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I've had 2. One was 67 in a 30...was late for work, for a new job (DOH!).
Second was, going down a 4% grade hill, didn't want to turn my breaks into shit for nothing...cop was at the bottom.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch

This is from one stop. Im not going to complain, cause all the stuff was my fault, but he COULD have maybe cut me a break and given me 3? Last summer got "clocked" going 90 in a 65 in my v6 camaro. the car wouldnt even go over 80 or it would shake real bad(shitty chevy driveshafts) and i def wasnt cruising down the highway with the car shaking dangerously. Not that it even had power to go much faster than 75, But I paid that. I got a 60 in a 45 when i was 17 and about a week after i got my license, plead that down to unsafe operation. I thought i was cool speeding. NOT! Ive really never broken the speed limit on purpose/out of reasonable means on the highway since then. Besides that ive got about 10 tickets, most of them non moving violations. i have 4 points now tho!


India Delta OneZero Tango
Feb 12, 2008
2, none counted. First one was for 71 in a 55 (BS, I was in my '94 explorer going up a hill- had just finished 3 final exams in one day and I was leaving for a month of Navy stuff the day after). I had known the judge since I was born, and it was still 2 $100 parking tickets... Second was for 55 in a 35 (speed limit changed about 1/8 mile from where I was lasered). No excuse really for that one, although it was a bad week and I had just found out they were taking my uncle off of life support. Turned into an $80 parking ticket.

I also got pulled over once for drunk driving and 1047-Unsafe Start. Only I don't drink. It was about 10PM, I was driving home from an unproductive afternoon of doing nothing with the roof off of the supra. I was doing a steady 5-7 over the limit on the highway, nothing out of the ordinary. Got to my exit, needed to get some milk and apples at the store, so I did a pretty weak powerslide from the stop sign. Cop had been following me, pulled me over, asked me if I had been drinking and told me I was "Speeding at times and that I had done an "unsafe start" at the exit, told him I didn't drink and apologized. He said have a nice night and went on his merry way. never even told me to drive slower.