How Illegal Is This?


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
It's very illegal; if you get caught it'd be a felony. It also doesn't make much sense from a financial standpoint. Buying a front clip and swapping the desired JDM parts over would be cheaper than purchasing and shipping a MK3 here.


Apr 2, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Just my 2 cents... It prolly is very very very very illegal, not that anyone hear would love to do what you have just stated. When dealing with risk, you always way your consequences. By no means am I condoning these actions nor would I personally do such a thing. Good luck in any descision you make... Oh and if you do get caught and need the money :p , I'm more than willing to take any parts from your white car off of you...hahahaahahhaha :D :D :D

Just drop me a line...ROTFLMAO


id say screw it if your gonna keep the car, unless you sell it that way or get into any serious trouble with it its kinda hard to get caught


"The Boss"
Apr 1, 2005
One thing is that most crushers won't take the car without a title for this reason. So once the cars leave, the vin is no longer available.
So the thing to do is sell the vins and title to someone as if you sold the car, then grind off all marks on the chassis, and pawn it off on some goob who doesn't realize he can't get rid of it. Or just ditch it somewhere, as an unmarked car is nearly impossible to trace. the problem is that IF the car had some obscure marking that you forgot to grind off, then the car would be traced to the owner of the vin plates, and he would have to report the car as stolen to avoid getting in trouble, then his own car would be reported stolen, because his plates are registered to that vin (providing he used the vins to register the car that he drives.) Then he gets pulled over for driving his own totalled salvaged (and now stolen) car, and he comes to kill you for his hassles.
Or all of the above happens to you, and you kill yourself for the hassle.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
Idealsupra said:
I was just CURIOUS as to how illegal heh.... taking the vin plates and the title from a couple of parts cars i hav and putting them on imported supras to be able to register them... in all reality they check the dash VIN and the door VIN and call it a day...

im just wondering about this or if anyones done it...and finally would anyone be interested in something like this ;)

*disclaimer*: this is all hypothetical this will never happen...

Its very illegal.

and in can most likely get away with it!...provided you dont sell your car or cause a major accident.


Boost Addict
In TN, swapping VIN plates can be done legally, as long as the proper paperwork, etc., it done. It's used mostly when doing a body swap/major repair to a car. Hell, the VIN on my Jeep is mounted to the fold-down, easily removed/damaged winshield frame! So if I ever get around to replacing that with a new one, I will have to swap over the VIN plate.
As far as using the process to register a vehicle that is normally not legal in the US, the system probably has enough loopholes to be able to do it without much trouble.
Personally, I would think it may be easier to use the system that custom car/hot rod builders use, which provides a way to register, etc., a vehicle that did not come off a production line. Don't know if it would work on an imported vehicle though.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
the only reason i would do this would be to import a true turbo A if i ever found one to my liking.

the mk3 made it here n the US so all crash tests etc should allow me to be able to register it if i do the proper paperwork..

bottom line is it was jsut and idea ....who knows if anything will come of it ;)


does anybody else realize that there really are no degrees of illegality?
If it is against he is ALL THE WAY..against the law..not just a little... its yes or no, not a little.

So...Yes it is illegal. Can it be done. Yes it can be done.

anywho, Ideal I love your sig. I want to try and get one of my celica like that...