How do you remove your head unit?


New Member
Jun 29, 2010
Not sure if this is the right area to post this if not please move it :)

Okay so i have an eclipse head unit installed into my supra and i have an amp and sub that im installing in a few days. So today i was messing around with it so i would know how to run the aux cords through and i couldn't figure out how to get the deck out. I unscrewed some inside screw but it feels like the whole thing is stuck on. Has anyone ever installed a head unit or amp and subs into their car? Any tips some one could give me?

Here are a couple pics of what it looks like.



Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Remove astray and unscrew the two screws in there holding the bezel in place
Remove shifter then unscrew the screw on the driver side near the end of the bezel
Pull gently to remove the tabs that hold the bezel in place.
Disconnect the plugs for Hazard switch and Lighter - Do not forget to plug them back up or you will not have a lighter or working turn signals in the same token.
Now with the bezel removed you should see 4 screws holding the radio in place (brackets on left & right side of radio).
Unscrew those and the radio should slide out.