How do you all Cali guys pass Fluffy Bunnies


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
I keep the stock parts too and i hate putting it all on just for smog...
I have 2 years till my next smog check but I was wondering if some guys are able to pass the visuak check with all the modifications on.
Maybe I should ask the smog station I go to...They are cool with me because I always go there.



New Member
Mar 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
That makes it sound like it's more against their will. There are some who are 100% willing and have come to expect it with all the modified cars around here.


New Member
Aug 24, 2005
Irvine, Ca
If you can pass the actual smog test you can pay someone in a shady city to skip the visual. If you want to pay enough you don't even have to get the smog test.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Passing the acutal smog test could be done with a good tune.
But for the visual side I guess I have to put all my stuff on and wait till the time comes.

You guys ever been pulled over and the cops looked under the hood for modifications?



New Member
Mar 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Yes, And since You live near me, I'd be afraid of Rosetti. He has pulled me over TWICE specifically to ask me to pop the hood. And this was when I was NA/AT. (Go Figure)


Jan 3, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
It all depends on what shop you go to. People look at different things. I went to one shop and he wouldn't pass me because I had a BOV and piping that wasn't stock.
Then another place I went to passed me when I had a huge vacuum leak right in front of the guys face.

But if I were you I would just keep all the stock stuff in a box, thats what im's not that hard to put all on just time consuming.:biglaugh:
Dec 3, 2003
Move to a different state :biglaugh: We don't have to worry about visual and referee crap where I live. I am surprised that they actually have that. What a joke.

I would like to know the answer to that as well. Many cars are modified in Cali and if they get pulled over what happens?



Swap never finished
Feb 5, 2006
Bay Area, California
It all depends on who you go to. Depending on who is working the smog station at the time, they will either care or not care about your modifications. The guy I went to didn't care because all the mods I had did not affect emissions. However, some places will see a red light if you have even just one modification.

Cops also depend on who they are and what they are thinking. Some cops will let you go as long as you're driving okay. Other cops will see that exhaust you have and go pull you over and have you pop your hood.

On topic, my 7mge barely passed smog, it passed but was very very close to not passing everything.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
The manual is very specific on what is allowed and what's not. If the tech isn't a prick he'll look the other way but he can fail the car for even simple things like non-stock hoses on the PCV and idle speed system. Very few will look the other way for a missing main cat, EGR, evap cannister, things like that. It takes a lot of money, time, and experience to obtain emissions certification (I know, I went through it) so most techs aren't going to risk it beyond a small point. Not to mention the fines they and their employer can suffer. They know the state is constantly running undercover stings to find them.

Beyond the visual and running the car on the machine the tech is out of the loop. It's all done automatically and the results transmitted to the DMV then and there. About the only way to fudge the emissions test itself is to get the tech to sniff a different car than the one due for the test and very few will. From where I sit those that do should be fined and have their licenses yanked. I also have little sympathy for people who screw with these engines without knowing what they're doing. So many failed emissions (and continue to fail) the car ended up on the Test Only list. Now everyone has to deal with that hassle. Just another example of how a small group of idiots screw things up for everybody.


New Member
Apr 24, 2006
upgradedsupra said:
Many cars are modified in Cali and if they get pulled over what happens?

Kinda depends on where you live and what you look like. There are parts of CA where street racing has been a big thing and cops are really hard on any modified import. Also if you are some kid with spikey hair, baggy pants and a sideways baseball cap your gonna get messed with too.

I got rolled at 6:30am once in my old 240sx. Slammed, boosted, I am sitting in a race bucket surrounded by gauges a boost controller and turbo timer....I was positive that I was going to get in trouble. The guy looked around at all my stuff, looked at me in a shirt and tie, and asked:

"On your way to work?"
"Yes sir." I responded.
"You have a tail light out. Be sure to get that fixed and have a good day."
"Thank you, bye."

Whoa big sigh of relief! But where I live ricers are not a problem. Should I have been rolled in say San Jose, it wouldn't matter how polite I was or what I looked like. Would have had my hood popped.


Formerly 86mister2
Feb 26, 2007
Cali South Bay
I've taken my Supra for a few rides late at night/early morning and I pass (not as in speeding by) tons of cops here in San Jose. I haven't had any problems. If you're not driving like a jackass, and if your car doesn't look like a park bench for a spoiler rice rocket, you won't get fucked with. The cops seem to like tasteful cars.

And make sure your BOV is recirculated, that's some dumb shit to get pulled over for. I've heard of it happening several times.