beachsupra;1044211 said:
auiite i already know how to connect the speakers to the car but after thats done .how do i hook up the amp so it works with the speakers?? right now im bored so im gona test fit em on the camry cause my allingment is getting done on monday so the cars at the shop.
Wow, it's very difficult to answer your question because of the way you phrased it, but:
1. you don't connect speakers to your car, you connect them to either a head unit or an amp.
2. to connect the speakers to the amp you use what they call a speaker wire. You also need to connect the amp to the head unit via RCA cables, and lastly you need to provide power, ground and remote turn on for your amp.
3. go to and find videos, diagrams and other helpful material on car audio.
good luck buddy