How about some terrorist profiling?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Adjuster said:
As far as profiling goes, I can't believe it when little old ladies are being frisked for knitting needles and little tiny sewing sissors... Surely we are not so rediculous, yet I see it happening all the time.. (And the young Islamic guys are being let through checkpoints with minimal fuss because they are not making waves, and we don't want to appear to be singling them out for extra searches... )

Yes, we (Americans) are in fact, that ridiculious. PC (Political Correctness) has gone from a minor annoyance, to a threat to our way of life, and finally, now, to threat our lives directly.

People don't like words and ideas when they illustrate or bring to light an ugly truth. In this case the ugly truth is that the islamic/middle eastern communities are rife with dangerous individuals, and the leaders and populations of those communities have taken anything from a "soft" to "accepting" stance on the horrendous activities of these dangerous people.

They will preach that Islam is a religion of peace in front of a camera, but condone and in some cases, encourage violence, either due to action or inaction. That's an ugly fucking truth.

But it IS the truth.

So we call up political correctness. We look the other way. We let the people through who are most likely to cause the problems. Just to not deal with the ugly truth that the entire region, just about all of it's governments, and religious leaders, are a problem we don't want to deal with. And the simple fact that you can't maintain a free society and still stop people from engaging in terrorisim. It's one of the unfortunate prices of freedom.

And it's not just the middle eastern/islamics who have ugly truths like this. We Americans have our fair share of our own "ugly truths" as well that we don't want to deal with either. As do the people in the various "People's Republics" that are overrunning Europe as we speak.

Political correctness is a scourge on modern society. Political Correctness is cultural Marxism. It's the Marxist dogma translated to social behavior from it's original economic form. And it's just as, if not more, dangerous than the original as written by Karl Marx.

In his book, "The End of Sanity," Martin Gross wrote:

"...blatantly irrational behavior is rapidly being established as the norm in almost every area of human endeavor. There seem to be new customs, new rules, new anti-intellectual theories regularly foisted on us from every direction. Underneath, the nation is roiling. Americans know something without a name is undermining the nation, turning the mind mushy when it comes to separating truth from falsehood and right from wrong. And they don't like it."

Hear, hear Martin! Have a drink on me brother!:drink1:

And for all our sakes I hope you are right when you say people don't like it...

If you study history, you'll find that as all great civilizations decline, they become increasingly concerned with form over substance, particularly with respect to language. You can see this in ancient Greece before it collapsed and in the latter days of the Roman Empire before the fall. Go do the homework, don't believe me, get your facts and form your opinions on your own.

But I'll throw a well referenced modern American example at you:

Back during the WWI, we came across a condition that was becoming common on the modern battlefield. This condition occured when a soldiers central nervous system pretty much "shut down" due to the incredible amount of horror and overwhelming sensory input they experienced on the new "high speed" modern battelfield.

At that time we called it "Shell Shock". Simple, honest language. Shell Shock. Say it out loud. Sounds almost like the guns that caused it, no?

A generation later, after WWII was over, we changed the term to Combat Fatigue. It means the same damned thing, and there were still just two words--but the two syllables had grown to four. And damn it sounds more pleasant doesn't it? Battle Fatigue. Say that out loud next to Shell Shock. Wow that condition doesn't seem as bad does it?

Today the two words have doubled, and the original pair of syllables have mushroomed to eight. It even has an acronym, PTSD or "post traumatic stress disorder". It still means the same thing, and it still hurts those afflicted by it as much or as little as it did before, but it is more in tune with current political correctness. And all the pain seems to be washed out of it. Try saying that out loud: "Shell Shock" versus "post traumatic stress disorder" - wow, that new one sounds like it might not even hurt, doesn't it?

Language affects the way we think. Soft langauge translates directly into soft thought, apathy and inaction. Hear about a solider with "Shell Shock" and you think "Get that man some help!" - hear about a solider with PTSD, and you probably don't think much at all... Or perhaps the thought "Maybe they should give him some penicillin?" crosses your mind.

It's bullshit folks. It's everywhere you look and you need to start learning to smell it when you spot it.

This is one of thousands of perfect examples of the pretentious euphemisms that characterize almost everything political correctness says we should do or say.

These PC euphemisms don't help society correct its problems. They help society HIDE its problem.

They even make some of the horrors more common or accepted since they have gained an air of "new enlightenment".

I piss people off, I know I do. This post will likely piss people off.

My female partner in crime, DreamerTheresa, does it even worse than me on occasion. The reason is because we both don't subscribe to this bullshit. Warm and fuzzy are not what we are about, and occassionaly we'll state something ugly (BUT TRUE) and it will get people all riled up.

So before you pick up your pitchforks and light your torches and start slinging insults, all I ask of you is to THINK.

Think about this bullshit language you hear everyday. Especially notice if it is coming out of your mouth. Think about what that soft language is trying to "cover up".

Disagree with me? Fine, state your case, it is possible for me to change my position if you can show me where I am wrong. (However I do think you'll be hard pressed on this topic more than others. )

We don't need to "get in touch with our true feelings on this controversial issue" - we need to "Wake up and smell the bullshit we are shoveling"

Just my 2psi, your boost may vary.

'nuff said

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
First of all that wouldnt work, it would add more fuel to the fire.
This is why you never ever ever vote for the left. Watch the ABC documdrama coming for 9-11. It is about everything up to 9-11. Because remember, that was the conclusion of events, not the begining.

Bill Clinton personally said do not bring in Bin Laden, as to not add fuel to the fire.

edited for decencies sake


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Nick M said:
Get fucked. I don't care if you lock this one either.

There's one person in this thread at the moment with the abilty to lock it, and it's me... And I don't see a reason to lock this (yet).

However I will ask you to tone that shit down a notch Nick. The rest of your post is 100% fine, but the "get fucked' comment is out of line, and you know it.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Left or matter, what I stated is as close to fact as ya get when dealing with what hasnt happened...yet.

Nick M said:
The US very much does profile. Just not in the US. The left drags every government entity to court via the ACLU so that the rights of non US citizens takes precedence over US citizens.

Nick you gotta chip on your shoulder the size of the need to learn it isnt about Left and Right...or black or white....or right or wrong all the time. Sometimes its just about people.


Supramania Contributor
SO this whole idea that we need to walk on egg shells around Islam, or they will continue to be terrorists is COMPLETELY SCREWED UP!

Yep, guys like Kerry, Clinton, Carter and all the other Liberals and even some Conservatives who call for restraint, and say that we are causing our own grief fail to see the simple truth. (Well actually, there are many truth's, but this one is huge..)

Guess what? Truth is we were attacked by Islam many times before 911. Yep, it's no supprise they finally knocked down the WTC. They tried to do it with a van bomb, and failed. So they came up with a new tactic, and attacked us 5 years ago with stunning success from a tactical standpoint. (Their side looking at it anyway.)

Think about this. Total investment on their part was minimal, and the effect was to divide the USA further than we were already divided on the subject of Islamic plans for world power and domination.

Heck, they even used our own planes, and departed from our own airports... How much better can it get for them?

They used our freedom against us, and we still have people today that are whining about profiling, random searches and phone wire taps being the problem, and they fail to notice that the real problem is we are not calling our enemy what they are.

Truth is our enemy is Islam. World wide islam is evil to the core. I dare anyone to prove to me otherwise. Show me how kind and gentle they are. Show me all the Imam's and Fatwa's proclaiming that Jihad is bad, should not be supported and that Muslems should live in peace with their Western neighbors. I want to see your proof that Mullah's are teaching peace to all the infidels in the mosques..

Bush has started to call it "Islamic" Terrorism at least, but untill we come to grips with the fact that this war is the "West" v/s Islam in general, and target the countries, and groups that support any anti American and Western views, then we are basicly wasting time fighting limited wars while our enemy builds up the weapons of war, and plans new ways to use our own PC crazyness to their advantage. (And trust me, they are not idiots, but are very smart and they will strike again.)

Oh, and the idea that placing their holy sites on a "hit list" to be carried out if they attack us again would not have any effect on world wide Islam? If you do not think this would sober them up to have Mecca and Medina, the Dome of the Rock and other holy sites put on notice if they do not behave.... It would at least bring things to a head sooner rather than later, and get this world wide party started now before they have more nukes and can hurt us worse than the current threats.

If you have a large cancer tumor that is growing, do you say to the Dr..... "You know Doc, I think if we just wait awhile and make sure we don't insult or aggrevate that tumor much, it will go away... " NO, you schedule an operation and have it removed post haste before it can grow and spread and get to a point where your life is in the balance.

Let's not wait till "radical" Islam has metasticised into a cancer we can't rid the world of without terminal kemo therapy. (no pun intended.)


Supramania Contributor
Not trying to look tough at all.

Just trying to get this over with ASAP before the enemy has the ability to really fight back anymore than they can now. (And trust me, they will kill millions of us before this is all done, but we may have to kill hundreds of millions to get it resolved.)

Not very nice? Yep, that's reality. The world is not a nice, PC place that respects human life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as everyone staying "we are just dealing with other people" would like to belive.

Again, I ask anyone to show me the world wide Islamic move to condem terrorism, issue Fatwa's that condem it, and Islam to start teaching tolerance and peace in the Mosques...

Right now the opposite is true.
World wide, they support terrorists either openly, or covertly.

They teach that everything "western" is of the infidel, and should be destroyed if it can't be converted to Islam.

I say float the idea that the next time a Islamic Terrorists blows up a US citizen, we level the dome of the rock and let Israel build a new temple there. We DARE you to attack us. hell we double dog dare you to attack us.. The C4 is waiting... (So is Israel, they have the materials to build a new temple there right now... )

Bring it on Islam. The sooner we get it going, the better for everyone 50 years from now.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Ok folks, I'm attempting to salvage this thread by cleaning it up and posting some very clear things that you better read before posting again.

#1 - Stop calling people names, please...
#2 - If you are going to be dismissive of other peoples posts by replying with "blah, blah.." just GTFO now. That's as offensive as the name calling. If you want to ignore a post ignore the post.
#3 - If someone does call you a name, try to be an adult about it. Look at the source. Don't get all whiney and hurt about it. This is the Internet. These people don't know you. They don't come to your house. They don't know about your life. Please try to keep that in mind...

People, many of you are on very thin ice when it comes to access to this section of the site.

And on a larger scale, this entire section of the site is on thin ice as well, due to the actions of a HANDFUL of the people here.

Put bluntly, stop acting like children. You want to debate, debate... People who start name calling and acting like zipperheads are getting tossed into the banned from off-topic group. You are wearing the staff out with this shit. And honestly it's easier to discard you than it is to deal with you when you get like this.