Now that I have your attention,I thought that I'd post a little bit about my mk3 and myself.
Where I live on the east coast of Canada, there aren't many MK3's.
Sorry, I should say that there aren't many MK3's that still run, haven't been eaten by our salty, wet, cold snowy ice laden winters that tend to last more than half the year, and turn even the best of cars into rotted rusted corpses lying in the woods behind someone's house out in the boonies.

i've only ever seen a few working mk3's out here that WEREN'T on life support being driven by middle aged women with bleached white hair listening to white snake.
So when I found a 1990 targa manual with 75k and a full engine rebuild 4.5k ago, I blew my savings on it. It had an odd history from what the seller told me. the previous owner was a pretty wealthy dude who bought the car new from the Toronto area dealership back in 1994. He drove it for a bit and then put it into storage for the next 8 years, occasionally taking it out, driving it, and throwing money at it to increase horsepower. the car was sold when the original owner (get this) became too overweight to get in and out of it comfortably due to his death star-like size and the full welded cage he had paid to put in. the guy i bought it from then purchased it, drove it to Nova Scotia and then set it up for 1/4 mile. Someone had the foresight to attach almost every piece of trim and interior with expanding spray insulation foam and black gasket goop. under cornering and acceleration the car had more body roll than the dude who first bought it.
The wiring for the turbo timer, head unit, boost controller and gauge assembly was a bizarre rats nest abortion that looked like something Doc Brown would make after huffing paint.

I'm convinced that this car is possessed by the evil spirit of a former Toyota engineer. It runs rich on type O blood, the complicated double wishbone suspension is made from human femurs, and the head gasket is held together by the broken dreams of a thousand BHG stricken mk3 enthusiasts. It's turn radius is just a little bit wider than that of the WW2 aircraft carrier USS Saratoga.

The MK3 has it's general faults, and mine seems to be birthed sideways out of hells back door at times, but regardless, I fell in love with it, and have been thankful for finding it ever since.

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