Hoorayy For Me!!!


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Kodiak, Alaska
ok so its been a while since i have been on the forum but a lot has changed for me in a very good way. i just enlisted into the United States Coast Guard. i went and took my ASVAB and my physical just this past week. i got an 80 on my ASVAB so i am qualified for every job the USCG has to offer. so i am going to be an Aviation Electronic Tech. its soo awesome i get to work on the electric systems on helicopoters or airplanes and i get to fly in them i cant wait. also when i go into boot camp i already have rank i will graduate from boot camp as an E-3 not an E-1or E=2. life has really just found a way to work out for me and i cant wait til i leave.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Kodiak, Alaska
JustAnotherVictim said:
:ugh: so much water.....
Are you going to the academy in CT?I was there for a week to check out their engineering program. I decided I did not like the ocean very much.
Congrats on the results have fun with all...that... water... :icon_bigg

na i am not doing the academy. i am gonna work my way up and then try to go to officers school so that i can go to flight school. thats my main goal to be a heli pilot