Never had guys in Honda's do this, but have run into some rednecks in trucks doing this, and some assholes in F-bodies also doing this. (Camaro/Firebird)
I just kept my ground, and figured if they were going to run into me, then so be it, but I'm going to maintain my lane, and try to avoid the impact if I can do so, and stay in my lane..
No impacts, but the truck guys did throw a bottle at my car... (Not cool, I did not have a gun with me, and decided to give myself some breathing room after the bottle barely missed my car.. )
If this was in town, that would not have been possible. But it was on a highway with lots of open space around. The trucks gave up after I pulled away at 120mph for a few min. (And was actually hoping for the PD to show up, but worried about it at the same time..)
No cell phone then too.
The F-body guys were screwing with traffic on the highway. (What is it with me and freeways?) They had blocked the road off by slowing down together, and holding up traffic.. Not letting anyone past them. Had a UPS truck, and some other normal freeway traffic really pissed off. I've seen Semi trucks do this too, and they are really assholes to deal with. (They are too large to really do much more than just sit back, and wait till they get done with their little game, and finally move over.)
I actually did call the PD on my cell one night when two semi trucks had the freeway blocked off. They were a rolling roadblock at about 40 to 45mph, and there was at least 8 other cars and myself help up in a mini traffic jam in the middle of nowhere... After I called the PD, the dispatcher confirmed there were others in my group calling in as well, and that a ISP trooper was on the way.. Never did see the trooper, they trucks suddenly got tired of the whole deal, one passed the other, and then everyone else passed both trucks, and it was business as usual, 83mph cruise control again...
Ok, I guess there was one other time I've dealt with two semi trucks. I was driving my company vehicle. (It's marked up like a huge rolling billboard, so I have to be careful, or I get complaint calls.)
I had a estimate to write in a town called Soda Springs, and it's a pretty good drive from Pocatello, where I was living. On the way there, you go up over a mountain pass, and then drop back down into the valley where the town in located. On the way down, I was going about 72mph in a posted 65mph area (Normal actually.) There were two trucks, one white pulling a refer, and the other red pulling a flatbed with a tarped load on the back.. I kicked it up to about 80 or 85mph and passed both of them before the end of the downhill grade, and then slowed back to 72mph as I was coming up on a minivan that was going perhaps 65.5mph... The white truck pulls right up on my bumper.. Seriously, I can not even see his bumper anymore, just a rear view mirror full of truck grille...
SO what to do? I reach behind me, and grab my digital camera! (This was a few years ago, and we used Floppy Disks to store all of our claims photos in each file..) So I loaded up a floppy disk, and took a few photos of the truck grille behind me, looking at the view screen in my rear view mirror to make sure they were good shots...
I put the camera down on the passenger seat, still on, and ready to go as the lady in front of me now was in a panic, and she nailed the brakes, and pulled off to the shoulder as we approached the intersection to turn South to Preston, ID. (Yes, the same one as in the movie...)
Both trucks now pull over to the left, into the turn lanes, and pass myself, and the lady who's now half way off the road infront of me... So I grabbed the camera, and took some more photos of both trucks passing through the intersection in the turn lanes... WITH ONCOMING TRAFFIC IN THE PHOTOS that was diving for the shoulder to avoid being hit by the trucks too...
So, now I'm pissed. I left the gal in the van, and dialed 911 on my hands free phone. Older Nokia one, with the cradle that bumps the signal from the measly .5watt to the full 3.0 watts used by the older analog phones.. (Great range on those things.) Anyway, I'm following the trucks as we get closer to Soda Springs, and talking to the dispatch the whole time.. We even passed a local Sheriff's car, but he did nothing but look at me waving to him.. Leaving town, I'm now thinking about the vehicle and owner I'm supposed to meet with, and decide to give this as much time as I can...
The dispatcher says there is a ISP trooper, and a special team of them that deal with just semi trucks South of the city, nearly into Wyoming on the other side of bear lake.. Another hour of drive time! These guys are going 80 to 85mph, and they passed a loaded school bus over double yellow lines in some hills... I got photos of that too... and relayed it to the dispatcher who then asked how fast I was going? ..... Uh, 80-85mph as they really are putting down the speed, they must know that I am following them.. I figure I'm screwed, but want to get these guys off the road..
So, this ends with me never actually seeing the trucks again.
I gave up the chase in one of the smaller towns South of Soda Springs, but by that time, an ISP patrol car met up with me, and I showed him the photos on my lap top. And made him a few copies of them on more floppy disks! (They have laptop's too, just like ours, Panasonic toughbooks at the time..)
Anyway, the officer says no problem on the speed, just don't make a habit of it, and tells me they pulled over both trucks just before the Idaho border near Bear Lake, and were holding them, going over the logs.. (Which he told me were totally faked, and that alone was a huge fine for the truck drivers... )
But he said with these photos, he would not even need me to press any citizens charges on the truck drivers, the photos would take care of anything they needed in court. (He also said the drivers told them I was speeding... yadda yadda, but they already knew that from the dispatcher, and that I was trying to record, and keep them up to date on what was going on, so he was not going to give me any cites on this.)
So, never knew what happened in the long run, never saw either truck again.
But, you could get some photos if you had a camera with you. Might be helpful if they did hit you.
Then again, a pistol in the center console like that is nice insurance that most people will not screw with you very long should things get ugly.