Holy shit. One of ours?


Supramania Contributor
Well, you guys notice that while the car made it out of this quite intact, the fact that the passenger side ended up "under" the rear tires is the reason the passenger died.

The car did survive quite well, but what I don't understand is how it got there? (The driver tried to turn under the truck or something?)

Article says he was out of control. (As if anyone who's been drunk is in control at any moment?)

Laws do not change this type of behavior. Education changes this. We need to educate people that you do not need to drink to celebrate! I know the people who sell booze hate me for that, but it is the truth.

Goes right along with "smoking is cool". What bullshit.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
kwnate said:
"Parting out an 87 Red NA"

Drivers seat is mint, passenger seat has a small stain (it might come out)

Reminds me of the porsche on SF's. Horrible way to go... Kids will never learn.


That's fucked up...funny but fucked up! I think the car is amazingly intact. I am a paramedic and worked a similar kind of accident just west of Fort Worth on I-20. It was an Impala SS, one of the big Shamu types. The car blew into a million pieces and unfortunately, so did the kids face and head. I had never seen a car so destroyed. When I'm finally able to drive my Supra, I'll feel better doing so.

PS. When it's your time to go, it's your time to go.


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
wow that is nuts.

I feel for the girls family

You figure hotugh since they caught the guy they would know if he was intoxicated or not. All the probably crap is a bunch of bull. I am willing to bet that it had to do more with Driver error and misjudgement then Drinking.


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
wow that's crazy. if i had to guess the reason he lost control was because maybe the weather up there is a bit slippery? he was probably trying to pass when it was not safe and thus ended up sliding around and under the truck. i hope he gets everything he deserves.


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Drove by the result of another kids drinking and driving escapade. He drank He drove He Died a somewhat better result than He drank He drove She died. After loosing control of the car he was driving the car was split in two by a power line pole and immediately burst into flames. My sister and I where driving home just a few minutes behind him, the car was already completely engulfed in flames the heat could be felt over 40 feet away. Some kids should not be allowed to drive (or yes some adults) must have good grades and no reported problems with behavior, caught under age drinking bang your not going to drive until well I don't know when. I believe that if you are caught drinking and driving you loose the car you where driving, not your car? to bad who ever loaned them the car pays the price(makes it more likely that you wont loan car to person you cant trust). I feel sorry for the kid, but he had put me my sister and everyone else driving on that road in danger.



Some assembly required
Oct 2, 2006
Coquitlam, BC
I think that's a little unfair. School grades are not by any means a necessary measure of your awareness, intelligence, and decision making abilities. Some of the best drivers I know are car people who didn't do particularly well in school. It's not that they're unable to make sound judgments, or that they're irresponsible, it's just that their interests lie in places other than math and science and history and literature.

There should definitely be screening tests for new drivers, especially young ones, but I think the way things are, we're unfairly treated based on the lowest common denominator of our age group, not on our individual cases.

ToyoHabu said:
Drove by the result of another kids drinking and driving escapade. He drank He drove He Died a somewhat better result than He drank He drove She died. After loosing control of the car he was driving the car was split in two by a power line pole and immediately burst into flames. My sister and I where driving home just a few minutes behind him, the car was already completely engulfed in flames the heat could be felt over 40 feet away. Some kids should not be allowed to drive (or yes some adults) must have good grades and no reported problems with behavior, caught under age drinking bang your not going to drive until well I don't know when. I believe that if you are caught drinking and driving you loose the car you where driving, not your car? to bad who ever loaned them the car pays the price(makes it more likely that you wont loan car to person you cant trust). I feel sorry for the kid, but he had put me my sister and everyone else driving on that road in danger.



Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
i hate to say this, but if the driver had been drinking, it was the passengers fault that she died. she made the decision to go in his car and it cost her life. have i driven drunk/high before, yes. have i drove with people in the car while under the influence, yes. have i been lucky, yes. was i retarded, yes. im 19 and i realized that driving when drunk/high is completely unacceptable. i would rather call home telling my parents that i was drunk/high and have them drive me home or stay at the place, than risk driving home. too many lives of friends and their families have been lost due to driving impaired.

it sucks, but it was a bad decision on her part.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
So unfortunate.

On a positive note, I'm surprised the news crew referred to it as a "sports car", instead of a boat, 2 door family car, or a Probe. :icon_conf

Too bad it wasn't a hardtop...I'm sure that would've made the top-half of the vehicle hold together a "little bit" better. :(


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
No matter the case here.... Drunk Driving isn't punished nearly as harshly as it should be. Its soooooo dumb and senseless. Especially on highways. WTF?!?!?! I've driven 2 blocks goin 5mph in my neighborhood drunk and I felt that was really pushin it. I think anyone with a DUI should have no liscence for a year and a minimum 30 days in jail. My dad works at golf course where some of the employees have had 3 DUI's. anyone dumb enough to get a DUI twice shouldn't drive for years.

But one of you was right... Its all about education, not punishment. Let your children/friends/brothers/sisters know its NEVER, EVER, EVER OK TO DRIVE DRUNK!!!!


Jul 5, 2006
allways pick a nice place to drink because thats where you need to stay until you sober up. I really like the dui policy in Ireland 1 DUI and they take your lisence forever


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
themadhatter said:
allways pick a nice place to drink because thats where you need to stay until you sober up. I really like the dui policy in Ireland 1 DUI and they take your lisence forever

Does Ireland have a drunk driving problem like that of the U.S.? I'd be curious to see how that kind of seriousness would change our heartbreakingly lax laws in the US. My friends drive drunk a lot and brag about it. I'm not always with them to stop them so i just pray they run into an unforgiving officer before they run into someone else.