Holy crap!


serial thread killer
Oct 13, 2007
A little back story; I work the overnight shift at a grocery store stocking shelves and the like. After we finished work this morning my friend (who doesn't have a car) asked if I would take him on a beer run. The town we live in is dry, so a beer run entails a about a 10 minute drive back and forth.

So he gives me some money for gas, ( nobody rides for free...) and we head out in the supra. We get the beer and are on our way back to his house doing about 65. It's still dark outside and we're cruising behind a black F-250, just talking about work.

I saw some movement on the other side of the highway and I turned my head in time to see headlights of an oncoming car cross the median, then hit a white cougar that was in the left hand lane at full speed. It bounced off the cougar then richocheted into the F-250.

By this time I was clutched in and braking, heading toward the right side of the highway. We went from 60-0 in about 2.5 seconds it seemed like. I left the car in neutral, pulled the e-brake and set the flashers then got out to see if anybody was still alive.

I went to the cougar first since he was on my side of the road. The whole left 3/4 front of the car was destroyed. I asked if he was awake ( it seemed better than "are you OK?") and he mumbled something at me and looked at me. He was pinned pretty serious though- the A-pillar was almost parallel to the bodyline. My friend was there by this time and he said he would stay with the guy in the cougar. So I ran across the road to the car that had done all the acrobatics.

The other car was a late 80's ford escort. The whole front end of the car was destroyed- both front fenders, the bumper and the hood were just gone. The engine was burning around the timing belt area and the battery was broken in half. When I looked inside the car there was a girl wearing a blue t-shirt and covered in blood laying across the driver and passenger seats. I yelled, "can you move?" and she tried to sit up- but the lap belt was holding her at an awkward position. I reached under her and unbuckled it, (the shoulder belt had separated when its upper mount point broke) and she sat up. That was when I noticed her legs. The femurs were sitting at right angles to each other. I thought holy shit, she has compound fractures in both legs. I started trying to get the driver door open since the car was still on fire, and two other guys that had showed up were pulling with me, but it was jammed shut. Finally somebody showed up with a fire extinguisher and put out the engine. I went and got the flashlight out of the supra and started looking to see if she had any cut or injuries the I couldn't see. Her feet were pinned in between the brake pedal and the left side of the foot box.

The whole time this is going on, traffic is just rolling past. It took the sheriffs about 6 minutes to get there after the call was made, and about 10 or so for the ambulance. The fire dept. took a bit longer. The first paramedic that got to the escort was a friend of mine from college, and he started checking her out- fractures in both legs, head trauma, the works apparently. He started holding her head up straight, (she kept lolling around and laying her head on the steering wheel), and I asked if there was anything I could do. He told me to go to the ambulance and get some gloves on, then hold her head up straight. I did that until the FD had to start cutting her out of the car. Then my friend and I walked back over to the sup. DPS was all over the place now.

We filled out a statement for the main DPS guy since we had been right behind them when the accident happened. They got the girl out fast and they were wheeling the guy out when we finished writing our statements. The DPS officer told us that another driver had chopped the girl off and she had swerved to avoid and crossed the median. The F-250 she bounced off had steered around the cougar was several hundred feet farther down. It had broken the rear axle and crushed the left side of the bed.

Some thoughts;
I need to keep a fire extinguisher and a crowbar in my car along with the other emergency gear. I left my cell phone at my apartment last night so I didn't have it with me. The only reason I wasn't hit was because I was maintaining proper following distance- she would have hit me too if I had been tailgating.

Jesus, what a morning.


Supra Fanatic
Apr 4, 2007
Redmond, WA
Jesus, that must have been awful to witness! Good for you for not tailgating and for keeping your calm out there - not everyone can do that when they see something traumatic. Yikes!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Good job TH. I keep a fire extinguisher in my car, but it's mainly for my car. Of course if I ever needed to use it on someone else's I would...........for a small nominal fee.........:biglaugh:


serial thread killer
Oct 13, 2007
Honestly, I shake like a leaf after these kinds of things happen. I used to work for a surveyor that did lots of highway topo, and I think I saw about 1 a week for a while.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
There are no words to describe how bad accidents like these are… When I was 19 there was a full speed, head-on collision right along side the car I was riding in with a friend. Long story short, but one woman died on the scene, one had a compound fracture of her femur as well and couldn’t see much because the skin on her forehead was hanging down over most of her eyes from the huge gash she had, her brother in the back seat begged us to kill him to end the pain, driver of the S10 broke his neck, but didn’t end up paralyzed as I heard it. We helped the paramedics pull the woman with the broken femur out of the car before she was airlifted out, and I will never forget the sound of her screaming as her legs straightened out. One of the worst moments was when they put the driver of the S10 in the ambulance with the young guy from the other car, and the kid started screaming at him about how he had killed his mom… Incredibly sad moment.

I don’t know about you, but it had a profound effect on me; bad dreams & random moments that I would see images from the event that went on for months. I guess I had a mild PTS episode, and found it really hard to get out of my head. So great job of keeping a cool head during a horrible moment, and be sure to take care of yourself if you’re having a hard time with it.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Oh man, holy crap is the right title.

Accidents are the shits but awesome you stuck around!
Not a lot of people do, gee, not a whole lot of people will stop for something simple like a flat tire nowadays.

I remember that one morning, it was just turning 6 and still somewhat dark out. I was in my car putting on my work boots with my legs across the passenger seat and once I was done I turned around looking out the driver's window and there is this guy flying (!!!) off his bicycle thru the air and I swear to god my first thought was "WTF?!". So he lands on the ground, face first, gets up and I think "Oh, thank god" and then he falls down again... tries to get up, falls back down, starts to make really strange noises like a mix of moaning and screaming and eventually stays down. So I figure he is indeed hurt and in shock, hurry out of my car, half way there I meet up with a co-worker, I give him my cellphone, tell him to call 911. I walk over there, another person is with the guy on the ground, holding his hand asking for a blanket. A second person is on the phone with 911 already and they are asking him about his condition so I start asking the guy on the ground if he can feel his legs, if he can tell me what body parts hurt etc. (I just wanted to keep him talking really). He was holding his nose and had a bloody face. He in return asks me to call his wife, I say yeah, of course and he gave me the number and I called her (how do you tell a wife that her husband just got hurt but seems ok considering in a fashion that she won't do something stupid rushing to the scene?!). So the person holding his hand stayed with him the entire time, talking to him, talking to us while the rest stayed out of the way. Then the fire department came and we were all relieved of our duties.

He called me the next day to thank me (which made me feel really weird cos to me it's just like, I dunno... you just help other people if they're in a situation like this) and told me he broke his arm and lost a few of his teeth. So he was pretty fucking lucky. Not smart enough to have lights on his bike but he did wear a helmet. What happened was some guy backed out of a driveway, didn't see the guy on the bicycle, bicycle was too fast to stop in time or do anything really, guy went for a flight.

It wasn't one of the worse accidents but it sure made me feel rather helpless and I realised how many emergency stuff I was missing in my car (something simple like a blanket even) and how fast shit like that can happen.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Maintaining a good following distance can save your life.

I nailed the brakes in the supra to avoid a deer, some douchebag in a pontiac grand prix that thought he was awesome and was following way too close, had to drive onto the shoulder to avoid me. The road we were on is notorious for deer that love to run infront of traffic.

Anyway, that's some beer run.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
As for someone that was involved in a really bad wreck, I do appreciate cellphones and people stopping to help.. I was driving down a road thats very dangerous.. There is this corner.. On the south side, you are just basically hugging the curve.. Some idiot in a Geo Metro swerved to miss a dog before coming into the turn..I came around the turn, saw him, swerved to the right and went off a 30 ft cliff into a river.. Fortunately there were fishermen on the other side that saw everything and called 911.. They even gave a description of the Metro that fled the scene.. Trust me, there is nothing scarier then watching your call fall down a cliff.. My first thought was "How am I going to save my mom? She cant swim"... then to "This is how I'm going to die"..

Dr Chill

4 hungry Supras
Nov 27, 2007
Tango ... There arent too many people in the world that would have went above & beyond Like you did .
& thats kinda sad ...now-a-days
Good job man


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver, WA.
Way to be the responsible citizen! Glad you were there to help out. Worse I've ever seen was a semi tractor/trailer roll over on an offramp/onramp going from I-5 to SR14 here in washington. Happened right in front of me, it all looked like it happened in slow motion. We stopped to check em out, the driver has hanging by his seatbelt, looked ok, coherent etc... but the guy in the sleeper was all sorts of screwed up. Headwound looked pretty bad, and he had something sticking out of his forehead. All we could do was tell him not to move and keep talking to him till the paramedics showed up. BTW those guard rails WORK! They stopped an overloaded 18 wheeler with its trailer from going down a cliff onto some houses. Pushed em back 4 feet, but it DID stop him.


serial thread killer
Oct 13, 2007

Local news is saying that the guy in the cougar is in ICU.

The girl died at the hospital. :(

Apparently I knew her too. She was a checker at the store I work at.

DPS has the plate #'s of the car that ran her off the road.

Here's peace for her family, and hope that they catch the irresponsible douchebag.



Nov 1, 2005
Raleigh, NC
What scares me these days are the people that are trigger happy for lawsuits. I do my best not to touch the person injured, I'll retrieve things they may need but that's about it. One of my friends got sued for helping someone out of their car after it rolled a couple times. He smelled fuel and feared an explosion. Unfortunately there was some spinal damage from him doing so and caused a loss of feeling in one of their feet. The lawsuit went through for 25k. It's very sad, I would hate to not be able to help someone in need, but this lawsuit crap has gotten out of control.

Anyways, great job Tango. I hope all pans out for the best for all envolved.


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
New Jersey
Tengo that horrible news that the girl died, peace to her family. You were a great citizen and did a act of kindness tho you should feel good about your self, its shows there are stil good people these days. good job !


serial thread killer
Oct 13, 2007
annoyingrob;1143404 said:
I bet you REALLY wanted that beer afterward.

I had a few actually.

The Highway patrol caught the car that ran her off the road. No word on charges, but seeing as they have multiple witnesses and somebody died I wouldn't be surprised.

The girl who died was only 18. :3d_frown: