I replied to those in the GB who were still interested. There will be a bunch available. Here's the breakdown:
Covers will be 150.00
Shipping will be 15.00 if they're cut if half (32x8x8 box, packing and shipping)
Shipping will be 30.00 if you want it as a 1 piece. (64x8x8 box, packing and shipping) aka 2 32" boxes put together.
I'd love to charge less for shipping, but the price for the boxes, tape and peanuts add up quickly. Fedex.com is quoting around $12 to ship one small box to MN so it should about even out between coasts.
If anyones interested in that price, I can start shipping on Monday.
As far as Canada and overseas, I don't think they'll let me do a 1 piece cause the box is too big overall, I'll have to check more on Monday at the post office.