Holy crap new rice exhaust product


Supramania Contributor
YourHondaSux said:
i care Ken :) whats ur idea?

...but it better be fuggin cool :icon_evil

nope! i'm not telling.

:madfawk: you all


edit: ok, i tell.

disclaimer: if anybody copies me, I will hunt you down and terminate things! :2ar15:

ok,... listen up every one. my great idea is.......

low-jack for your wallet or purse! yup!
make millions.

insert a little chip in your wallet or purse... BAM! you'll never lose it again. also helpful if you get robbed, i guess, lol.
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
CtSupra said:
insert a little chip in your wallet or purse... BAM! you'll never lose it again. also helpful if you get robbed, i guess, lol.

just make sure its unlike the supras alarm, I would hate for this thing to go off while you were in a meeting or something.:biglaugh:


New Member
Apr 7, 2005
Fredericksburg, VA
hilarious. What about taking this another step, you know the valves or whatever on muscle cars, that like, flap open when you rev? what about having that on the exhast too? with a light inside! or something.

The people who come up with this stuff would probably never use it, I mean, its more of a marketing thing, how to make money off of dumb rice kids. As far as I can tell... it works...