Hollywood celeberties are smarter/better than everybody else

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
dulobast25 said:
The man cant eat a pretzel, pronounce a word....or form a sentence.

Well now, apparently, he's smarter than you! He just happens to be the leader of the greatest nation on the face of this earth! And you, well...:icon_razz

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
lanky189 said:
blanket accusations about a particular sect of american's is really unfair.

I'm a pressman...and becuase I know alot about presses and not alot about politics..does that mean that my views on gov't, politics, and the rest are not valid?

Go to work..stand by the water cooler/break room whatever..you'll hear the same bullshit you'd hear on tv..the only difference is nobody is buying tabloids with pics of your co-worker..diggin throught thier trash..obsessing over them and watching hours of reality tv show programming..nobody is idolizing Jim as he works for hours in the steel mill so nobody cares what he thinks and it doesn't end up on your tv over dinner... becuase the press doesn't jam a camera up his ass and microphone down his throat..

This whole deal about celebs and politics is because of the type of show like Entertainment Tonight...obsessing over the most mundane unimportant detail of a person who just happens to be talented at entertaining us...

if you hate celeb's so much..throwout your TV...never go see another Movie...never buy or listen to another song/cd....then and only then do you have a right to complain about hearing their point of view...becuase until taht point your are helping jam that mic down there and that camera up there..

Lanky, you had me until the last paragraph. I don't hate movies, songs, or tv shows, but I can't stand celeb opinions simply because they get to broadcast them to the masses due to their celebrity.

It reminds me of the 8th grade: Popular dude is going out with popular girl. They're popular, so what they say must be right. Jr High hot girl was probably pretty hot, and likewise jackass actor/actress might make a good movie, but it doesn't mean any of them had anything meaningful or intelligent to offer the rest of the world in terms of politics or living right.

By all means, go see their movies, enjoy the 2 hours in front of the screen and then expect them to shut the fuck up, because popularity and ability to recite lines/lyrics definitely does not equal intelligence, nor does it mean that we have to listen to their completely skewed vision of the world.

I really dislike politically vocal celebs, in case you couldn't tell. Love the movies, and even the celebs - Hate what they say when somebody doesn't hand them the lines.
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Supramania Contributor
Let's look at this. Boycott the celeb's you can't stand listening to when they open their mouths off screen/record.

I'm already going there.

Tim Robbins and his beau are both off my purchase list. (I'll gladly pirate a copy of their films if I want to ever see them again, but I'll never pay for a movie either of them are in again.) Same goes for Danson and Sheen. (Pretty much all of Hollywood actually.)

Same goes for music.. Love the internet and Russian sites selling music for like 10 cents a song.. Try and get rich on that Dixie Chicks! (F'n c@%ts.)

So, vote with your wallet, and eventually they will get the message to shut up or go broke.


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
"Well now, apparently, he's smarter than you! He just happens to be the leader of the greatest nation on the face of this earth! And you, well..."

I know you can do better that that. that is the most braindead response on the net. "well apparantly, he's smarter than you!" LOL .
Using that reasoning, that someon is smarter becasue they are the leader of the greatest nation on earth, than (Bill Clinton and all the other Pres must be of the saem intellgence as bush, and all who arent president must be less intelligent that those who are int he white house, Including you and your family. Come on, non only is in unable to be proven, but in is statisitcally untrue.

I know you can do better than that. Try again. Again, the man is on the lowe end of the intellectual pole. And there is plenty of instances that demonstrate it. Back up your assertions. And use some real reasoning, Please. Try Again. LOL:biglaugh:


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
Louky, you have a point, but that shouldnt invalidate something a celebrity says. If for instance Ron Silver, Martin Sheen, or Bruce Willis were to make a statement or forma n opinion on iraq such as, lets say, that we need more troops in iraq to finish the job, being a celebrity does invalidate their statement. its a free country, but intelligence people evaluate folk on the content of their comment, not the profession in which they practice. The advice they hold may be of merit. That the problem with this country. i frankly feel that it the people who listen to them ONLY becaue they are celebrity but wont hold the same opinion solicited from an avg american that you ahve to worry about. If bush said iraq was a mistake, it holds the same intellectual value as if chenney, clooney, or you said it. And if it's stupid than its equally stupid. No celeberitrs arent any smarter or better, but nor are they any worse. just like reg citizens, not all speak up , not all follow politics, not all care, not all are smart, or humble, or experts, or idiots. Shoot down the message, not the messenger.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005

Work on your vocabulary, spelling, and how to use the qoutes correctly, and I'll be glad to debate the idiotic statement you made. You should preface a strong opinion like that with; "IMHO, the President is not very smart". I was merely pointing out, that you are stating something, that is not factual. And, I might add, incendiary!:icon_mad:


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
Drop the personal attacks and try again. It is a fact that he has problems speaking english. There are numberous instances and accounts to subtantiate this. They exist whether you like it or not. Try again. Address my post and stay on that topic This isnt about how me or anyone here uses quotations. It it politics. I suggest you rememeber that. In addition, Bush is a poor decision maker. I'm sorry he is a poor DECIDER.
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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
lanky189 said:
I beleive it was the black people in New Orleans ( or what's left of it) who proclaimed the lack of Federal help was racially motiviated..not a celebrity..but by all means feel free prove me wrong Bob...you know i can take it.

You're off on this.

No one was blaming Bush for anything until the jackass Kayne West opened his high school drop out mouth. They were actually blaming the people really responsible for their plight before this (Nagin and Blanco).


Bush had nothing to do with Katrina relief, and shouldn’t have either. Nagin and Blanco turned it into a federal issue by being the two largest retards ever. Blanco even REFUSED National Guard aide two days prior to landfall. Twin Neros, laughing as nawlins drown.

I know everyone likes to blame Bush for every damn thing that happens in this country, but that's not the case here. To relate it to this thread specifically, a celebrity decided to let everyone know just how fucking retarded he is by opening his mouth. “Bush hates black people...” Well aside from the fact he has the most black and ethnic cabinet members in the history of our nation. Twice appointing the most powerful position in the country to a black (powel then rice) person.

Go to work..stand by the water cooler/break room whatever..you'll hear the same bullshit you'd hear on tv..

If I'm around the water cooler, at least the information and opinions are at a collegiate level. With television and the media I get to listen to the opinions of people that were too stupid to even finish high school.


thanks for the correction.

as for the water cooler..i didn't mean to imply the chatter would be the same intellegent level..just that most likely your co-workers have as much to do with/knowledge of the government and politics as those celebrities that spout off about the mouth....


Supramania Contributor
Here is a simple example of better debate tactics.

Insteadofwritingdownyourthoughtsinonesentancefullsofsplenerers....(spelling errors for effect gentlemen.)

Try this.

Break up your thoughts.

Make sure your spelling is correct when possible.

Do not run your thoughts together, but use spaces to break them up into orderly sections so we can get your point, and not laugh at your lack of intelligence and writing ability.

Now, if you have a legitimate learning disability, that's another issue, but I don't see any signs of that from your writing other than the following.

1) You don't care.
2) You have not learned how to write.

Ok, why did I bring this up?

It just makes me laugh when someone pokes fun at the speach problems of our President when that same person can't write worth a damn.

Looked in the mirror lately? Your writing sounds like Bush's speaches... Both of them are full of errors using the English language. (So don't throw stones if you live in a glass house..)

End of rant.


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
Adjuster said:
Here is a simple example of better debate tactics.

Insteadofwritingdownyourthoughtsinonesentancefullsofsplenerers....(spelling errors for effect gentlemen.)

Try this.

Break up your thoughts.

Make sure your spelling is correct when possible.

Do not run your thoughts together, but use spaces to break them up into orderly sections so we can get your point, and not laugh at your lack of intelligence and writing ability.

Now, if you have a legitimate learning disability, that's another issue, but I don't see any signs of that from your writing other than the following.

1) You don't care.
2) You have not learned how to write.

Ok, why did I bring this up?

It just makes me laugh when someone pokes fun at the speach problems of our President when that same person can't write worth a damn.

Looked in the mirror lately? Your writing sounds like Bush's speaches... Both of them are full of errors using the English language. (So don't throw stones if you live in a glass house..)

End of rant.

please dont use this sort of logic. it is different when someone on a forum, hurriedly typing, makes mistakes than when the president of the US makes a mistake in a prepared delivery. basically, bush shouldn't have been elected anymore than someone on this forum should be.

so please, adjuster, have an open mind, even when your god (bush) comes up in conversation.


bonus12 said:
please dont use this sort of logic. it is different when someone on a forum, hurriedly typing, makes mistakes than when the president of the US makes a mistake in a prepared delivery. basically, bush shouldn't have been elected anymore than someone on this forum should be.

so please, adjuster, have an open mind, even when your god (bush) comes up in conversation.
adjuster didn't use your name or direct any insulting language towards you...there is no need to do such to him...

The post made by adjuster should be read and applied by all those who wish to take part in the debates that take place here... nice one Adjuster + 1 for you


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
Its getting pretty nasty in here. Maybe kanyee west should have said that. Bush isnt really that concerned about the less fortunate. And it is untrue that bush shoudnt have had anything do do with Katrina relief. Bush himself took some responsibility for the federal relief. Or lack thereof. The simple fact that he was giving a speech of low importance with the only benefit would be minimu polilitcal gain, here in San Diego, when he should have at the very least taken a plane down the following day to visit the site. At the very least. Look how fast he responded to other natural disasters. He should have provided relief in no less speedy or in no less magnitude that 9-11. no they were not the same type of disater, the the amount of human life that was affected is on par, they both merited federal asst. In fact the damage done to new orleans far exceeded that of new york and the ability of the state to provided meaninful relief was less. So without saying onw was worse than the other, both merited federal repsonse and the scope of both events was beyond the capabiliy of any state ot local govt to handle. Even with fed asst both events took longer than necessary to handle. So the idea of the fed not being involved at all is well, at least inhumaine. His mother obviosuly doesnt spend that much time thinking about underprivleged people. Without a smoking gun I'd venture to say that the apple didnt roll far from the Bush... As best Bush indifferent to the plights of the poor or less fortunate. its' 9-11. A good day to be gentle in your posts.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
And it is untrue that bush shoudnt have had anything do do with Katrina relief.

Knowledge of federal responsibilities > you.

Seriously though, I don’t know why you comment in these threads. You continual show you are ignorant of almost everything related to political concepts and governmental function. Even remedial concepts escape your grasp.

I know several months ago I told you I wouldn’t respond to you until you learned how to form a proper sentence. But seriously though, do explain how the executive branch is in any way, shape, or form, responsible for local disaster relief. Jesus…

News flash, Bush didn’t steal the remote control you’ve been looking for or your car keys.


Supramania Contributor
The Bush haters will never understand how great a president they have untill he's no longer in that seat. (But they will never admit it to anyone, especially themselves.)

He's not my god either. I don't agree with him on every aspect. I also agree he has trouble with public speaking, but can be coached into giving a good speach with practice. (Just look at last night, minimal errors, and he delivered a very good message.)

If anything, Bush is too centrist for me. I'd like a pure libertarian leader, or if I can't get that, one that leans more to the right.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Adjuster said:
I'd like a pure libertarian leader, or if I can't get that, one that leans more to the right.

As long as he doesnt follow libertarian lines on immigration :rant: :puke:

Not having a border or border patrol = ftl

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I know you can do better than that. Try again. Again, the man is on the lowe end of the intellectual pole.

Here is one of my favorite pieces about Hollywood, Bush and all the dumb people in his administration.

The Hollywood group is at it again! Holding anti-war rallies, screaming about the Bush administration, running ads in major newspapers, defaming the president and his Cabinet every chance they get to anyone and everyone who will listen. They publicly defile them and call them names like "stupid," "morons" and "idiots." Jessica Lange went so far as to tell a crowd in Spain that she hates President Bush and is embarrassed to be an American. So, just how ignorant are the people who run the country? Let's look at the biographies of these "stupid," "ignorant," "moronic" leaders, and then at the celebrities who are castigating them:

President George W. Bush earned a bachelor's degree from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard Business School; served as an F-102 pilot in the Texas Air National Guard; began his career in the oil and gas business in Midland in 1975 and worked in the energy industry until 1986; elected governor on Nov. 8, 1994, with 53.5 percent of the vote. In a historic re-election victory, he became the first Texas governor to be elected to consecutive four-year terms on Nov. 3, 1998, winning 68.6 percent of the vote, with 49 percent of the Hispanic vote, 27 percent of the African-American vote, 27 percent of Democrats and 65 percent of women. (Someone began circulating a false story about his I.Q. being lower than any other president's. If you believed it, you might want to go to URBANLEGENDS.COM and see the truth.)

Vice President Dick Cheney earned a B.A. in 1965 and an M.A. in 1966, both in political science; two years later, he won an American Political Science Association congressional fellowship; chief of staff to Gerald Ford (at age 34) from 1975-77; six-term Republican congressman from Wyoming, 1978-89; secretary of defense to President George Bush, 1989-93; CEO of global energy conglomerate Halliburton. 2. Secretary of State Colin Powell was educated in the New York City public schools, graduating from the City College of New York (CCNY), where he earned a bachelor's degree in geology. He also participated in ROTC at CCNY and received a commission as an Army second lieutenant upon graduation in June 1958; received MBA from George Washington University.

Secretary Colin Powell was a professional soldier for 35 years, during which time he held myriad command and staff positions and rose to the rank of four-star general. His last assignment, from Oct. 1, 1989, to Sept. 30, 1993, was as the 12th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest military position in the Department of Defense. During this time, he oversaw 28 crises, including Operation Desert Storm in the victorious 1991 Persian Gulf war. Before becoming secretary of state, Powell was chairman of America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing people from every sector of American life to build the character and competence of young people. His awards include two Presidential Medals of Freedom, the President's Citizens Medal, the Congressional Gold Medal, the Secretary of State Distinguished Service Medal, and the Secretary of Energy Distinguished Service Medal. Several schools and other institutions have been named in his honor and he holds honorary degrees from universities and colleges across the country.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld attended Princeton University on Scholarship (A.B., 1954) and served in the U.S. Navy (1954-57) as a naval aviator; congressional assistant to Rep. Robert Griffin, R-Mich., 1957-59; U.S. Representative, Illinois, 1962-69; assistant to the president, director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, director of the Cost of Living Council, 1969-74; U.S. ambassador to NATO, 1973-74; head of Presidential Transition Team, 1974; assistant to the president, director of White House Office of Operations, White House chief of staff, 1974-77; secretary of defense, 1975-77. Mr. Rumsfeld continued his public service in a variety of federal posts, including: Member of the President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control (1982 - 1986); Special Presidential Envoy on the Law of the Sea Treaty (1982 - 1983); Senior Advisor to the President's Panel on Strategic Systems (1983 - 1984); Member of the U.S. Joint Advisory Commission on U.S./Japan Relations (1983 - 1984); Special Presidential Envoy to the Middle East (1983 - 1984); Member of the National Commission on Public Service (1987 - 1990); Member of the National Economic Commission (1988 - 1989); Member of the Board of Visitors of the National Defense University (1988 - 1992); Member of the Commission on U.S./Japan Relations (1989 - 1991); and Member of the U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission (1999 - 2000). Mr. Rumsfeld served as chairman and CEO of General Instrument Corporation from 1990 to 1993. General Instrument Corporation was a leader in broadband transmission, distribution, and access control technologies. Until being sworn in as the 21st secretary of defense, Mr. Rumsfeld served as chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences Inc., a pharmaceutical company.

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge was raised in a working class family in veterans' public housing in Erie, Pa. He earned a scholarship to Harvard, graduating with honors in 1967. After his first year at The Dickinson School of Law, he was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he served as an infantry staff sergeant in Vietnam, earning the Bronze Star for valor. After returning to Pennsylvania, he earned his law degree and was in private practice before becoming assistant district attorney in Erie County. He was elected to Congress in 1982. He was the first enlisted Vietnam combat veteran elected to the U.S. House, and was overwhelmingly re-elected six times before becoming governor of the state, serving from 1995 - 2001.

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice puts everyone to shame with her credentials on foreign affairs. She earned her bachelor's degree in Political Science, Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981. (Note: Rice enrolled at the University of Denver at the age of 15, graduated at 19. Both of her advanced degrees are also in political science.) She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded honorary doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in 1994 and the University of Notre Dame in 1995. At Stanford, she has been a member of the Center for International Security and Arms Control, a Senior Fellow of the Institute for International Studies, and a Fellow (by courtesy) of the Hoover Institution. Her books include "Germany Unified and Europe Transformed" (1995) with Philip Zelikow, "The Gorbachev Era" (1986) with Alexander Dallin and "Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army" (1984). She also has written numerous articles on Soviet and East European foreign and defense policy, and has addressed audiences in settings ranging from the U.S. Ambassador's Residence in Moscow to the Commonwealth Club to the 1992 and 2000 Republican National Conventions. From 1989 through March 1991, the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she served in the Bush administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 1986, while an International Affairs Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, she served as Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1997, she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender-Integrated Training in the Military. She was a member of the boards of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors. She was a Founding Board member of the Center for a New Generation, an educational support fund for schools in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park, California and was Vice President of the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, who are these celebrities? What type of education do they have? What are their experiences in affairs of state or in national security?

The facts on their educations and backgrounds:

Barbra Streisand: Completed high school Career: Singing and acting

Cher: Dropped out of school in 9th grade Career: Singing and acting

Martin Sheen: Flunked exam to enter University of Dayton Career: Acting

Jessica Lange: Dropped out of college mid-freshman year Career: Acting

Alec Baldwin: Dropped out of George Washington U.Career: Acting

Julia Roberts: Completed high school Career: Acting

Sean Penn: Completed high school Career: Acting

Susan Sarandon: Degree in drama from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Career: Acting

Ed Asner: Completed high school Career: Acting

George Clooney: Dropped out of University of Kentucky Career: Acting

Michael Moore: Dropped out during first year at University of Michigan Career: Movie director

Mike Farrell: Completed high school Career: Acting

Janeane Garofalo: Dropped out of college Career: Stand-up comedy/acting

Condi puts everybody to shame.