Hollywood celeberties are smarter/better than everybody else

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
USC Study said:
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Celebrities have more narcissistic personality traits than the general population, and people with narcissistic tendencies seem to be attracted to the entertainment industry rather than the industry creating narcissists, according to a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers Drew Pinsky of the Keck School of Medicine of USC and S. Mark Young of the USC Marshall School of Business and the USC Annenberg School for Communication.

The study, which will be published in the Journal of Research in Personality (Elsevier), is the first systematic, empirical scholarly study of celebrity personality and was based on a standardized test of narcissistic personality traits administered to 200 celebrities.

"The general public's understanding of celebrity personality is based largely on anecdotal information such as media interviews," said Young. "We conducted this study as part of a larger program of research to provide more scientific evidence on what the celebrity personality is really like."

The authors say they chose narcissism as the topic of the study because it is one of the most widely discussed characteristics of celebrities.

"Narcissists generally crave attention, are overconfident of their abilities, lack empathy, and can evince erratic behavior," said Pinsky, who is an assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at USC. "However, they are also well-liked, especially on first meeting, are extroverted and perform well in public."

To conduct their research Pinsky and Young employed a well-validated personality research instrument, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), which has been used by researchers for more than two decades. The NPI test divides narcissism into seven components: superiority, exhibitionism, entitlement, vanity, authority, exploitiveness, and entitlement.

The authors found that the celebrities participating in the study had statistically significantly higher narcissism scores compared to aspiring business leaders (MBA students) and the general population. Reality TV personalities had the highest overall narcissism scores when compared with actors, musicians and comedians.

What's more, while men are more likely than women to evince narcissistic traits in the general population, the authors found that, among celebrities, females were more narcissistic than their male counterparts.

"Our research also shows that many celebrities exhibit narcissistic behavior prior to becoming famous, which could indicate a self-selection bias for the entertainment industry by certain personality types," said Young who holds the George Bozanic and Holman G. Hurt Chair in Sports and Entertainment Business at USC. "Knowing that many celebrities have narcissistic tendencies may allow entertainment industry decision makers such as studio executives, producers, directors, agents, publicists and casting agents to work with them more effectively. It may also provide greater insight into celebrity behavior for the general public."

The research data were collected anonymously and confidentially from celebrities selected at random during guest appearances on the nationally syndicated Westwood One radio show "Loveline," based at the KROQ-FM radio station in Los Angeles. The celebrities were administered the NPI test during breaks on the show, which Pinsky has hosted for the past 20 years.
This of course is not news. Normal people work for a living. The other kind go into television, media, anyplace where they can tell you how to do things and what to think(secondary education). Because Madonna is more intelligent than all of us.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
If it wasn't for celebs, I wouldn't have known who to vote for or that Bush hates black people.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Why does this NOT surprise me..

Don't get me started on our "all knowing expert" Hollywood personalities.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Wills7MGTE said:
LOL celebs are more out of touch than if there were a man stranded on pluto (or the planet formerly known as pluto).
Celebs think 9-11 was a conspiracy by our own president.


Jul 14, 2005
San Diego
The president thinks we were attacked becaus al qaeda hates our freedom. Oh and btw hes not that concerned about him and doesnt spend "that much time on him"


blanket accusations about a particular sect of american's is really unfair.

I'm a pressman...and becuase I know alot about presses and not alot about politics..does that mean that my views on gov't, politics, and the rest are not valid?

Go to work..stand by the water cooler/break room whatever..you'll hear the same bullshit you'd hear on tv..the only difference is nobody is buying tabloids with pics of your co-worker..diggin throught thier trash..obsessing over them and watching hours of reality tv show programming..nobody is idolizing Jim as he works for hours in the steel mill so nobody cares what he thinks and it doesn't end up on your tv over dinner... becuase the press doesn't jam a camera up his ass and microphone down his throat..

This whole deal about celebs and politics is because of the type of show like Entertainment Tonight...obsessing over the most mundane unimportant detail of a person who just happens to be talented at entertaining us...

if you hate celeb's so much..throwout your TV...never go see another Movie...never buy or listen to another song/cd....then and only then do you have a right to complain about hearing their point of view...becuase until taht point your are helping jam that mic down there and that camera up there..


outofstep said:
If it wasn't for celebs, I wouldn't have known who to vote for or that Bush hates black people.
I beleive it was the black people in New Orleans ( or what's left of it) who proclaimed the lack of Federal help was racially motiviated..not a celebrity..but by all means feel free prove me wrong Bob...you know i can take it.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Matt: LMAO nah it'll be fine! :)

Neg Rep cannot hurt me!
