holla, I think my thread got deleted??

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XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california
^^^^^yeah!!! they say what they want...and then they delete what they dont like. i think it sucks though, what ever happend to the cool people...i think eversince people started leaving like IJ...everything has been going bad. sad thing to think about because this place is pretty much my life (not really). sadness takes over the land, this feels like some kind of hitler ish deal...they do what they want but if we do something wrong. off with our heads.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
DreamerTheresa said:




Yea, "holla" - you know:



Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
MKIII N00b said:
^^^^^yeah!!! they say what they want...and then they delete what they dont like. i think it sucks though, what ever happend to the cool people...i think eversince people started leaving like IJ...everything has been going bad. sad thing to think about because this place is pretty much my life (not really). sadness takes over the land, this feels like some kind of hitler ish deal...they do what they want but if we do something wrong. off with our heads.

Tell me about it. :biglaugh:


DreamerTheresa said:
You know... maybe if you didn't type like such a freaking chav, there wouldn't be such a problem?

WTF is a CHAV?? the way I type is also the same way I talk and it doesn't seem like anyone else is having a problem with it... :icon_evil aight peace :chicken:

Actually now the word CHAV sounds racist to me...


JustAnotherVictim said:
He does talk like that. lol

Yeah... now its like they bringing up the way people type/talk... shit you might as well bring up shit about nashman and other foos also that don't conform to your way of how "one should type"... aight peace :chicken:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Boostaddctn said:
Yeah... now its like they bringing up the way people type/talk... shit you might as well bring up shit about nashman and other foos also that don't conform to your way of how "one should type"... aight peace :chicken:

I think the difference with nash is that nash has a diagnosable condition (dyslexia) that causes him to mistype words.

Your typing seems to be (and I am saying "seems" - if there's a different circumstance here, by all means correct me) an attemt to affect the speech pattern of a thug gangsta from Compton in the written word.

Simply put, a gangsta from Compton may speak like that due to his lack of education and the environment he grew up in. He wouldn't log on to the internet and type it that way. And even if he did nobody will call him out on it because he's a brutal asshole with a gun. He's not enviable, he's not something to look up to.

In my experience the vast majority (not all mind you, there are exceptions) of people on the internet who type things like "aight peace" are for the most part priveledged white or asian kids from the suburbs who wouldn't survive 12 seconds in Compton or any other area where people actually speak like that. And people tend to call them out on it at some point. Because it's like being the human equivalent of Lamarossa's car. Posing as something you aren't, nor could ever be. Most people aren't giving that any respect.

So if there's a reason why your typing pattern mimics the speaking pattern of a gangsta, enlighten us.

However, if it's simply an affectation that you think makes you sound cool, dont' bitch when people laugh at you for it, because to some of us (myself included) think it makes you sound seriously funny.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
I think Bert is doing it to be funny...but coincedently, he IS asian. ;)

So...I'm asian too.

Only thing is, I CAN and HAVE survived in the "ghetto". :D


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Boost Lee said:
I think Bert is doing it to be funny...but coincedently, he IS asian. ;)

So...I'm asian too.

Only thing is, I CAN and HAVE survived in the "ghetto". :D

Same here, North Nashville, but I don't type like I talk

I don't mind how people talk on this forum, if I can't read it, then it doesn't need to be read.
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