Hey guys ans gals, I have a situation. Thanks for any advice in advance! 
A group of friends and I were interested in a house for rental. The owner (first time renter) and my group thought we had come to an agreement regarding lease terms. Unfortunately, the landlord did not have a final lease prepared, but presented a basic lease which we were completely fine with. She stated there would be a few small changes, but most would involve removing clauses from the lease.
So we put down a holding deposit (huge mistake on our part) of $1500. We then proceed over the next few days to argue profusely about the lease terms. She turned into a lying, manipulative maniac and changed the terms we thought we had agreed upon. After holding our ground and a days worth of arguing, she agreed to our terms, but at this point none of us trust her and would never give her another dime, for rent or otherwise.
So now she has $1500, which she states is non-refundable and forfeited by our choosing not to rent. The house was pulled off market for 4 days total. Monthly rent was to be $3100.
There was never a contract signed, only a simple receipt which doesn't even have:
her written name
the date
the address of the property
the holding terms and/or length.
Any advice on what to do next? The owner has been completely and utterly unprofessional and doesn't deserve a cent. She is flat out stealing this money in my eyes. She may deserve a few hundred for our sheer stupidity, but nowhere near $1500.
We may be threatening small claims court action if she doesn't respond to friendly, rational conversation.
CLIFFS: put down $1500 Holding deposit on house. Landlord is a nut job, no contract was signed, just a receipt. Not planning on renting house after 4 days of arguing with landlord, any advice on getting the $1500 back?
A group of friends and I were interested in a house for rental. The owner (first time renter) and my group thought we had come to an agreement regarding lease terms. Unfortunately, the landlord did not have a final lease prepared, but presented a basic lease which we were completely fine with. She stated there would be a few small changes, but most would involve removing clauses from the lease.
So we put down a holding deposit (huge mistake on our part) of $1500. We then proceed over the next few days to argue profusely about the lease terms. She turned into a lying, manipulative maniac and changed the terms we thought we had agreed upon. After holding our ground and a days worth of arguing, she agreed to our terms, but at this point none of us trust her and would never give her another dime, for rent or otherwise.
So now she has $1500, which she states is non-refundable and forfeited by our choosing not to rent. The house was pulled off market for 4 days total. Monthly rent was to be $3100.
There was never a contract signed, only a simple receipt which doesn't even have:
her written name
the date
the address of the property
the holding terms and/or length.
Any advice on what to do next? The owner has been completely and utterly unprofessional and doesn't deserve a cent. She is flat out stealing this money in my eyes. She may deserve a few hundred for our sheer stupidity, but nowhere near $1500.
We may be threatening small claims court action if she doesn't respond to friendly, rational conversation.
CLIFFS: put down $1500 Holding deposit on house. Landlord is a nut job, no contract was signed, just a receipt. Not planning on renting house after 4 days of arguing with landlord, any advice on getting the $1500 back?