hmm I dont think anyone asked this or had this problem


New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Ok first of all, i just want to say that eventhough I am new to this forum, i have been searching on this supramania plus many other's such and so forth. I just don't know what section of this engine is called or what it does. I typed in short keywords such as accordian hose and went through each thread and i did not see anyone with this problem or situation or i may have missed it. Even though I'm a geek with computers, I have a little knowledge on supras since i started liking these for over a year now, who is willing to learn and get my hands dirty. And its all because of you guys!!:icon_razz

Anyway, here is my situation. I drive a White hardtop 1989 supra turbo. Mods are Aem 2in1 boost gauge/controller, Apexi air intake and 3" turbo catback straight pipe with no muffler from flexpipe, replaced headgasket and torqued heads to 72lbs and adjusted valve clearances. On order is a Divorced downpipe non rerouted, Custom short shifter mod from Toyota rally team in Australia, Titan Cam Gears, soon a custom center console with two 52mm custom gauges that replaces the ash tray FROM user TTE, soon Koyo radiator. I received today from COOLEEZE which took forever, a ceramic coated Turbo inlet and a free radiator pipe, since he took almost a month to send me the product. While i was removing the rubber accordian hose (at 2am) i noticed below it that it had a vacumm hose attached and at the end it was closed with a headbolt or screw. I also noticed that by air intake there was a lot of oil everywhere. When i took the flashlight trying to see where it came from, i came across this Black adapter with two tubes and had a vacumm hose just sitting off to the side. Take a look at the pictures that i have provided and you will see what i am talking about.

:1zhelp: Questions are, is that where all the oil was pouring out? If so, what does that Black Adapter do or what is for?? I placed a vacumm hose in one of the tubes but is that right one? Is the vacumm tube coming from the accordian hose that was blocked off, suppose to be inserted into one them??? And last but not least, i got this light that came on the dashboard today and it looks like a CAR with Flashing lights in the back. I checked if the brake lights, reversing lights and turning signals were working and they did. I can't come up with anything on that, hoping you guys would know. I really do appreciate everyone taking their time to help me out. Hope to hear from everyone soon!!

Hi moderators, i placed this in the wrong thread is it possible for you guys to move it to the General discussions?? Sorry


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Dec 17, 2005
Neenah, Wisconsin, United States
Well that vacuum line sitting off to the side shouldn't be plugged up that goes into the bottom of the accordion hose. It's for the powersteering it's a vacuum switching valve which allows full use of power steering and at lower vacuum levels it reduces how much the power steering works because you have better control at highspeeds without powersteering. So the vac line goes from the open nipple to the bottom of the accordion hose. As for all the oil your camshaft position sensor o-ring might be dryed up and leaking oil out of it. Otherwise it looks like the inside of your accordion hose has alot of oil in it too, you may have alot of blowby in your engine and oil is getting in your pcv system and its getting oil in there. One way to take care of that would be to install an oil catch can. Those are the only two things I can think of unless your power steering pump is leaking and it leaks the oil out and the fan blows it backwards towards that area.

As for you taillight warning light. Make sure everyone of your lights is good your brake lights may be good but there dual element so maybe the running light element is burnt out. Also I'm not sure if you still have the 3rd brake light but if you don't have that it'll stay on. On my 91 that light will come on every once in awhile but none of my lights are out, its weird.

That's about all I got for you look over everything and if you have anymore questions feel free to private message me.



Supramania Contributor
That "thing" you photographed is designed to "leak" air to the intake manifold, raising the idle speed/engine speed when you put a load on your power steering pump. (The metal pipe that crosses infront of the cam cover, and runs to a hose attached to your intake manifold? Well, it's attached to one of the ports on that "thing" which is attached to your power steering pump, and then was attached via the hose under the accordian pipe/intake...

You can run just fine without one. (I've done it for years. But your base idle could be raised up slightly if you have a pre 89 with the air adjustment screw on the throttle body.. )

My guess is all, or most of your oil is from leaking valve cover gaskets. That does not look like power steering fluid to me, however it's a pretty dirty engine, so anything's possible :)

From what I know, that is not a VSV as stated above. The variable power assist is speed sensitive, and this has lines going from the valve to the intake as I noted. (And it's designed to raise the idle speed when the pump is under load at idle when your in a parking lot, using your power steering for example...)

The 89 or older MK3's with the variable power steering is a different setup than this. :)


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
Victorville CA
kinda read through fast that light is telling you you have a light out somewhere on the car so check all exterior lights, I believe its mainly head lights and tailights that make the light go off, that vaccum thing have no clue what its called runs to the intake tube between the turbo and afm, and as of oil in the intake i believe thats normal from the egr, but i think excess amounts it a sign of a problem, and youre leak is probably from the valve covers had the same oiul covered engine as youre before replacing the valve cover gaskets, super simple to do. hope i hleped some.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Ugh. To the OP: Just to clear things up listen to Adjuster. He has it all correct. The only point I'd make is it is a VSV but not in the sense we normally refer to them because it's hydraulic rather than electric. Since he knows I know he knows this he'll forgive me ;)

As for the light failure box the lamps monitored are brake and tail. It's why the warning light depicts the rear of the car. No offense to our junior member but someone else can cover the oil from the EGR thing. I'm EGRed out for today.


still learning
not egr. egr has nothing to do with oil. thats one of the emmissions systems.

pvc system or leaky valve covers most likely for the oil.

ive heard the light failure box fails itself and the light failure light will come on ever if all lights work.


New Member
Nov 15, 2007
As far as the light warning, at least i have an idea what to look for after im finsihed with everything. I will replace the valve cover gaskets (after i search on the forums to get an idea on how to do it):nono: and clean the engine bay a bit.:icon_bigg Now that "thing" i took a picture of, well the hose that's attached to the left nipple was off before. I was wondering if i attached the hose on the correct nipple? If it is, then when i replace the rubber accordian hose with the COOLEEZE ceramic hose, would i attach the vacumm hose below the ceramic and run it to the nipple on the right??? :icon_surp


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
Ok messy thread. Adjuster and JJ know what there talking about.

The black "thing" with 2 vac nipples on it is the idle up for the power steering. As said it leaks air to the intake manifold to raise idle to increase speed of the pully to move more fluid and give more assist for parking lot maneuvers.

The vac line hanging off the accordion hose goes to the other nipple on that "black thing", but might be plugged for a reason.

Where the oil is coming from is hard to tell. The line on the inlet pipe is pluged with a bolt, maybe the "black thing" is broken and leaking fluid into the vac lines or maybe its PCV.

J3pz: PCV is also an emissions system.

And as it was said light on the dash is for a taillight or brake light out.

I would keep the line on the accordion hose plugged, plug the other line that you put on the black thing, spray around the black thing with brake cleaner to get off residual grease and dry the area, install a catch can and take it for a ride to see where the oil is leaking from.


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
Victorville CA
crap sorry wanted to correct my self, i meant pvc valve when its malfunctioning causes the oil i kinda wrote everything fast cause i was in computer class haha


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I'll chime in another idea on the light failure that hasn't been mentioned. That light will also come on if you get a water leak back there. I'd assume that your tail light failure module could be getting wet due to a leak of your taillight gaskets. My old car would get that light after hard rains, and it would stay on for a day or two afterward. My lights wouls be fully functioning the whole time.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
There is a lot of oil in that accordion tube suggesting an overloaded pcv from a tired engine. I would say its leaking out the accordion tube and the fan is blowing it all over the place since the bottom piece of the shroud is gone. Wouldn't be surprised if there are multiple oil leaks as well (cam covers, front oil seals, cps o-ring and cps internal seal for starters).

What is the liquid all over the rad?