LordLo said:
So if I am to add a boost controller, would I still need the side port or could I just use the top port? My reasoning is that the side port only helps open the valve at the spring pressure, but since I am going to boost higher wouldn't that mean I no longer need the side port?
No. If you just used the top port, how's the wastegate going to know when to open? Think of it like this. if you have a 9psi spring, it will open the valve when there is a 9psi pressure difference between the bottom port, and top port. (9psi on bottom - 0psi on top = 9psi). Now, if you keep the bottom connected as it was, then add 3 psi or pressure to the top port, the spring will still open when there's 9psi across it, but it will happen at 12psi, not 9, as the spring sees the 12psi - 3psi = 9psi across teh spring.
Side port is connected to a pressure source, plain and simple.
Top port is connected to the boost controller/s solenoid, which is connected to a pressure source.
I could draw out a diagram if you want.