HKS EVC II gone stupid?


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
I have what I believe to be the EVC II (it has buttons... high, low, mode, sbc, and the screen changes from green to red, to orange) but I think it has a problema.

When I go into manual mode, I set it for 14.5psi (1 bar correct?) and I go boosting down the street.

On my LEX/550 combo, I hit F/c at around 17+psi on my boost gauge.....and then I hit fuel cut at the 1bar setting on the boost controller.

What I don't understand....

I set the boost controller to a lower boost setting. Lets say 10 psi. You can see the car jump all the way to 14 or so, then it will flutter back to 10. I think this is why I am seing fuel cut when I set the controller to 14. It lets it go past 14 and then WHAM!!! :weak: F/C.

Any help on why this is doing this?


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
It's an EVC 2, man.. the EVC 5 is the "new" one, and that's been out for two years or more. Your EVC 2 is probably so old that the filters are clogged or the stepping motor is going out, if they even had filters back then. If they didn't, I can see an acceleration of wear in the stepping motor. I have an EVC 4 and it still work great, but I've only been using it for about 4 years, and at the time I bought it, it was kinda old [but in new condition].


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
i have an evc 1 and no filters and its been working great now for some time.... what is the point of those filters other than to completely kill the stepping motor when they fail?


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
i have an evc 1 and no filters and its been working great now for some time.... what is the point of those filters other than to completely kill the stepping motor when they fail?
You are supposed to change the filters every so often. Sometimes junk gets in there, whether existing in the lines or introduced into the system somehow. If this gets into the stepping motor, I'm sure it will have it's hand in degrading the accuracy and integrity of the stepping motor.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
MDCmotorsports said:
I think the filters are just fish pump filters...

As for my EVC controller, I have yet to put it through self learn mode, so maybe thats the problem?

Gotta read those intructions!
:arcadefre Fiddle with that thing! It's gotta learn! My EVC 4 didn't work well until I ran through learning mode.

You reset it per the instructions and the "L" for learning mode will pop up.
Then, drive to a long place where you can go about 90mph without hassle. From a stop, go from 1st and 2nd gear WITHOUT hitting any boost. When you put it in 3rd, floor it and don't let off until redline. It should beep at you. At that point, you stop and do the 1-2-3rd gear thing again, and after you let off from redline in 3rd this time, it should beep at you again. At this point, it should have learned your turbocharger and you should be able to set your other settings up [high/low boost settings, warning, scramble, etc - mine is an EVC IV, so it may have more settings or a different setup than yours].


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Well an update on this...

I found out its an EVC III.

And, I checked, checked & double checked all the hoses and connections, and every thing that I could find mechanically or electrical.

Also, I put it through learn mode.

Again, the same results.

Over boost like a motha! If I ease into it, it will go over where I have it set, then slowly come back down where its supposed to be. BUt that sucks! Its boost creep issues all over again.
