After lurking around on this site, craigslist, and ebay for over 9 months I finally purchased my pre-military retirement hobby on September 20th. It's a 1990 Supra Turbo Targa with the R154 manual tranny, only 88k miles, and I'm only the third owner. The previous owners have taken care of her very well. I live in the Northeast and I looked at many cars in the area and around the net but only found disappointment after disappointment. I'm slightly above average on basic mechanical abilities and don't have all the tools that I would want or will probably need, but I'm an enthusiast that wants to learn and will have more time on my hands to devote to restoration in the near future. My plan is to restore/maintain the car in the stock condition with a few slight performance modifications and interior upgrades. Now, after sneaking around on the site for a long time I know that no post like this would be complete without pictures so here they are.