higher gas prices leads to the next 110 mpg doodad.


India Delta OneZero Tango
Feb 12, 2008
I saw this on autoblog, and wherever they got it from, but i only heard 80mpg. I wonder where this place got 110 from. Either way, it's fairly interesting if it's true.


Sad previous supra owner
Feb 27, 2006
Waupun, WI
pparrigo;1067542 said:
I saw this on autoblog, and wherever they got it from, but i only heard 80mpg. I wonder where this place got 110 from. Either way, it's fairly interesting if it's true.

could be downhill, with the wind and after he let off the gas and put it in nuetral :)


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
sounds like BS. I like how there is no evidence, theory, test, facts, pictures, or otherwise any proof. I could just build a 400hp mk3 and claim it gets 200 mpg. All i have to do is find a hill. And any engine technology from 40 years ago is null and void now with electronics, the EPA, and leaded gasoline.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
my opinon

all talk no walk.

Need to be in a SCIENTIFIC controlled environment. If in fact he was stating the truth, this should be a no brainer to actually prove (he is after all an engineer so he understands scrutinization by the scientific community, that is if he is an engineer worth a damn). My guess, he won't. Just make claims with no backups!
Last edited:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
the guy could prove his engine without opening the hood, by draining the tank, putting in 1 gallon, and driving, hell he doesnt have to make 400 HP even, just lets see it hit 110MPG


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
Guess we will wait and see when he gets his patents to see what's under the hood.

People have had success before in making engines more efficient - only difference is the people just sell their stuff right over to the government and oil companies.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
CaptMKIII;1070014 said:
Guess we will wait and see when he gets his patents to see what's under the hood.

People have had success before in making engines more efficient - only difference is the people just sell their stuff right over to the government and oil companies.
I have some beans for sale.......

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
figgie;1068623 said:

that is myspace.. any cliffs or quotes?

I am almost positive it is the same shop.

My bad, here it is. Put the main bits in bold.

Fairlane 500 said:
This happened awhile back but still....
wanna know the story? I happen to see this ad in a Ford magazine about a new product out and was quite interested in it so I called the people and ended up buying it which ended up being about $220.

A couple weeks later I call the guy back up and spend $1800 on a fully forged rotating assembly but the guy ( Doug ) said he did not have the pistons and it would be a couple of weeks to get them from Probe in California. no problem.

Two weeks later I call and ask if the pistons had come in and he said "no but I am expecting them any day now". So I ask what kind of cylinder heads he can get...AFR's in particular, and he said that he deals with certain brands but not AFR's. I ended up buying a used vintage set of TFS High Ports for $1600.

A week later I call back to find out on the pistons and he said that he shipped them the day before. Great! I get my stuff and the pistons were not the right size so I call him back and told him they are the wrong pistons. He says send them back and I'll re-order.

Ok...I send them back.

In the meantime I check out my stuff and this cheap asshole charged me a premium price for some Clemex bearings which are a Mexican made version of Clevite 77's and he sent me some piece of shit harmonic balancer. I've spent better money on toilet paper than I did on that bullshit. I toss them in the trash and make a mental note of it and bought killer Clevite 77 bearings. Yeah it costs more but atleast this shit won't burn up.

Two weeks later I call and ask about the pistons and he says he'll order them when I send mine back. I inform him I sent mine back the day I called him and told him they were wrong. He shouts at me like something is my fault. I told him I would call UPS and find out who signed for them. I call and they said "Pelmear signed for them" I call him back and tell him I don't know who Pelmear is but that faggot signed for my stuff at your place two weeks ago. At the time I did not know Doug's last name was Pelmear.

Weeks go by and I call and get no answer and I send letters and emails to which I go NO response to. Finally I asked my lawyer what I can do and he suggested call and file a compliant with the Ohio State Attorney General's Office. He says he WILL have to answer to them and within 30 days, too.

3 weeks after I file a compliant a lady from that Office calls me and say that Doug is more than willing to work with me to resolve this issue. I told her "No Ma'am I do NOT want to talk to him as he has lied and avoided me and that is the reason for the complaint in the first place." I told her the story and how he claimed that the pistons were on "backorder" with the manufacturer and how I called the manufacturer and gave them the part number I needed and Toby said he could have built an entire NASCAR Winston Cup field with what he had in stock of that part number.

She calls and verifies that I am right and then calls Mr Fuckface..I mean Doug Pelmear and asks him why he hasn't made good on this and why it's taken him 5 months to get me my goods that are NOT on backorder and why he hasn't even placed an order with Probe Industries in 8 weeks. She said that she thought he hung up on her because there was no answer for about 40 seconds.

So she calls me back and tells me all of this and then asks me " When would you like your goods Mr Patch because whatever you tell me is what he WILL do...and I told him OR ELSE!" I could tell she was pissed off that he lied to her as well for no good reason. I told her that I have been patiently waiting 5 months for stuff that has already been paid for so that UPS Next Day Early AM would be fine. She asks "Why the Early AM?" I told her "Well...because they offer it and I've been waiting 5 months for my stuff, why should I wait any longer, besides it's about 2pm in California. They can ship them out today." She told me that if I didn't have my stuff by 10am the next day that I was to call her and let her know so that she can be more involved with Mr Doug Pelmear.

I had my stuff by 8:30am the next day.

Sad to think that I spent about $4000 in goods with shipping charges just to get the run around. This, good people, is why you should NOT do ANY business with Doug Pelmear with HorsePowerSales.net or Horse Power Sales of Napolean Ohio. Hey Doug......I hope you read this Asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!