I am running 1mm OS stainless valves, and I think my valve job was 250.00, but I had them machine the seats ID as well as just grind the 3 angles to the seats..
Then I blended the now larger ID valve seats.. into the runners. (And the other mods noted..)
My oil pump shaft is machined to clear the Pauter rods.. (Remember, I'm running a 97mm stroke engine.. What's stock.. 90.5mm...?) It is not any thinner than stock.. the thinned down areas are just slightly wider.. On a the previous stroker, when the crank twisted out of true by 7thousands, it had the shoulder of the rod hitting the oil pump drive.. actually pushed the rod forward, and ruined it by ramming it into the retainer plate. I was suprised it did not break it. The Pauter rod was fine. I sent it back to Pauter, they checked it out, and said no problems.
I do not plan on turning this engine faster than stock.. but have reccorded 7150rpm on the Eman blue/Profec E-01 on a missed shift..