hid direct


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
ok so my headlight housing on my 79 camaro got brutally raped by a rock, that being the case gave me a reason to overly fix it :p but i'm curious about a company, im looking at doing HID's dual beam'ed 55watt


but i've never heard of this company, over the description sounds like it is good quality but i'm curious if anyone else has heard of them. A guy at nastyz28.com gave me a link to what he did for his camaro which basically included retrofitting a acura TL projector into his head light and made the reflector out of mirror'd plexi-glass link to that here
http://ultm8z.com/HID Projector Retrofit into a 2nd Gen Camaro.pdf
but if i was to go that route i'd make a shroud vs mirror'd plexi "cause it looks better" and paint it black. like this guy did

so just curious if that company had any goods or bads, or personal experiences that you have had, i'm kinda on a budget but not affraid to get up close and personal with my head lights lol. i wouldnt say i want to spend more than $400 "which is what the Acura Tl setup ended up costing