it was my dads younger brother.........he doesnt care because its his got it ever heard or seen people give away something to someone before?????and no i dont have pictures of it because it was back in 2001....i didnt know jack shit about cars i was only 11 years turning 19 this year and im the only dad owns four restarunts in michigan and we have three houses one in tulsa OK, southfield MI and warren can say its a alright living.......and no its not to good to be tru...because it is true..........and i didnt know about the 97 supra until last year when i finally got my license and was looking for a car....then thats when my dad introduced me to the supra..........thats when i wanted one and then started looking for my own mk3......he only have one left because he was going to buy the mk4S, im talking about now.....a one red,black,green, and a white one.....are all the colors we are getting now.....i dont want to start a fight in here im telling the truth and when we do get the supras ill post pictures...........