please help, i have a 91 turbo 7mgte. i have replaced my head gasket once before with metal 1.2mm hks. had head milled and found slight warpage in block. did not send block out because warpage was so minor.. checked with straightedge and feeler gauge as per tsrm... i removed the head again and installed factory head gasket with arp bolts, torqued to 90psi. the problem i have is that the cooling system is getting hydrocarbons in, like bhg. the car will idle fine and not boil over, but if i accelerate hard bubbles over in radiator. i thought maybe air pocket after head gasket replacement so i drove it about 100 miles then rechecked. the upper radiator hose is hard as a rock!!! no coolant leak but the car is definetely overheating internally. what have i missed?? please help!!!