I'm fairly new to Toyotas. A few months ago I bought a 91' Cressida. The PO swapped in a 7mgte, r154 and LSD from an MKIII. The motor is pre 89'. Here's my issue it has the Cressida wiring harness, distributor, AFM, and O2 sensor. The first thing I did after I got it home was install an AEM WB. Immediately noticed it was always lean under load/boost. Since I've installed a 255lph FP, Adjustable FPR, SAFC-2 and even an old school FMU. I can not got the afr's down . Help . I think this thing may have the GE injectors in it too. Would these have that hard of a time with stockish boost (8psi)? I cant get it below 13.5/1 AFR tip in goes 17ish for a few then falls to 13's. Could this AFM be doing it? Help / suggestions greatly appreciated. Also the CEL has never come on. I'm not that naive Witch ECU pin controls the CEL?
Thx Craig.
Thx Craig.