help on engine choices for my ford v8 swapped fc rx7 build


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
mnracer550;1807218 said:
i think a SBC in a supra is much different. im replacing a blown up wankle that i dont wanna rebuild every 20k miles (saying i made the same smae power as my current goals) with engine that will be more reliable and produce great power. i guess i would compare it to a 1uz swap.

If you're set on a cheap cast iron V8 go the SBC then, forget all of the Brand Bullshit and go with cheap and pratical, much better bang for the $ with Chev.


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
lol still not happening. and i dont see the point in going with a a chev engine over ford. parts really are not any cheaper. does no one car about building something unique? everyone puts 350s in everything. there a good motor, i get that. but i dont having what everyone else has,there plenty of 350 fc rx7s around mn but i havnt seen one ford swap. i want something different. so when most people go the cheap way and go sbc, i will stay brand loyal and put a trusty ford engine in it. im sure there are plenty of guys that have dealt a little more with ford setups that can chime in.


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
IBoughtASupra;1807219 said:
I wonder how much power would be made if the LS7 was a Dual Overhead VVT cam setup. Hmmm.
I keep wondering when GM is gonna step up with some new tech, The LS series is getting a little old to still be in there flagship models IMO. U'd think they will have to compete with fords new 5.0


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mnracer550;1807216 said:
btw id LOVE to pick up the new 5.0! im glad ford steped up and used some new technology to make some serious power instead of using a push rod engine. .
So what's stopping you? ;)

IBoughtASupra;1807219 said:
I wonder how much power would be made if the LS7 was a Dual Overhead VVT cam setup. Hmmm.

mnracer550;1807253 said:
I keep wondering when GM is gonna step up with some new tech, The LS series is getting a little old to still be in there flagship models IMO. U'd think they will have to compete with fords new 5.0
I'd guess you'd pick up at least another 100 or 150hp pretty easily. If Ford can make ~420-440hp with 5.0 liters, without doing anything drastic, I figure 600-620 would be pretty easy with similar specs. Question though: why bother? The LS7 already revs to over 7000, makes 500+ easily, and is LIGHT. How much weight would adding 3 extra cams, an extra chain or belt (not to mention longer), and 16 extra (albeit smaller) valves add up to? I imagine it would be a negligible amount, but it's a fine edged sword with a proper sports car. Power is only part of the equation, I would prefer balance myself.

Anyway, that's neither here nor there for the project at hand. I see nothing especially wrong with a 302. It's one of the few things Ford did right in the last 30 years. Look at the thing the right way and it makes more power. Is the LS a better engine? Sure, but it's also 20 years newer too, it better be. What do basic flow mods do to a 302, say, on a $2500 modding budget? That enough to get heads, cam, pipes, and a good intake/carb or EFI setup?


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
2000 is about as much as im looking at spending on the engine. if i got 302 it will be getting 2 ct26s or one hx40. the last 302 i built had pretty much your above idea along with a stock rebuild and weisco pistons at 9.5/1. i just like the idea that ford is heading in the right direction and utilizing new technology and im sure building on it.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
mnracer550;1807252 said:
lol still not happening. and i dont see the point in going with a a chev engine over ford. parts really are not any cheaper. does no one car about building something unique? everyone puts 350s in everything. there a good motor, i get that. but i dont having what everyone else has,there plenty of 350 fc rx7s around mn but i havnt seen one ford swap. i want something different. so when most people go the cheap way and go sbc, i will stay brand loyal and put a trusty ford engine in it. im sure there are plenty of guys that have dealt a little more with ford setups that can chime in.

mnracer550;1807705 said:
2000 is about as much as im looking at spending on the engine. if i got 302 it will be getting 2 ct26s or one hx40. the last 302 i built had pretty much your above idea along with a stock rebuild and weisco pistons at 9.5/1. i just like the idea that ford is heading in the right direction and utilizing new technology and im sure building on it.

I've been doing "Unique" since before most of our members were old enough to drive, trust me it's over rated...

You like the New Tech/Direction but are still going to use a Casst Iron lump to make a Lead Tipped Lawn Dart... ok..

Good luck with your build!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
IJ.;1807741 said:
You like the New Tech/Direction but are still going to use a Casst Iron lump to make a Lead Tipped Lawn Dart... ok..
Buddy of mine was going to stuff a 7m in his FC until a bit of reality hit him, and he realized that it would be basically good for straight line driving only, and that all the reinforcing he would have needed to do to keep the torque from breaking the car in half would have made it just as heavy as a Supra, or near enough it didn't matter... so he stuck with the rotary.

BRAND NEW Coyote 5.0 can be had for 6k... something to consider. I was raising the BS flag until a coworker showed me this at a reputable Ford performance vendor's site. That's not bad at all considering what the LS goes for. Only problem I see with that is that the FC was never meant for v-style engines, especially not wide, DOHC ones.


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
the rotary engines are pretty heavy, alot more then people think. a decent amount of people have done the 302 swap and have 51/49 or 50/50 weight distribution so it will not be a "lead tip lawn dart" as u say. i just graduated school and got a welding so honestly an ls1 isnt in budget nor would i put one in if it was. id LOVE the coyote 5.0 but again the wallet doesnt agree. and 6g price doesn't include any electronics which quickly adds up. And i still like unique, its no fun having the same thing everyone else has but with different rims. anyways iv decided to go with the 302 the whole swap and turbo setup at once. no point in building it twice.


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
there are 2 ls1 FC rx7s here in duluth mn alone. no 302s. i actually dont know of one 302 swapped FC rx7 in mn. although there are many 350 swaps of all different sorts. and i will me the only turbo 302 in mn for sure. i still havnt seen one on the net either. even if theres 100 in the country or whatever it is id still sya thats pretty unique.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
mnracer550;1807965 said:
anyways iv decided to go with the 302 the whole swap and turbo setup at once. no point in building it twice.
I can agree with you there, 100%. Do it how you want the first time, and hopefully it turns out to be exactly what you were wanting. :)

mnracer550;1808047 said:
there are 2 ls1 FC rx7s here in duluth mn alone. no 302s. i actually dont know of one 302 swapped FC rx7 in mn. although there are many 350 swaps of all different sorts. and i will me the only turbo 302 in mn for sure. i still havnt seen one on the net either. even if theres 100 in the country or whatever it is id still sya thats pretty unique.
You know, you guys keep it up with sticking archaic engines in a car that was built 100% for handling, and you're going to make that crazy rotary engine the "unique" swap. :rofl:


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
here are the links to what the engines weigh just so people will quit bitching.
ford : 460 (this is with everything to make it run)

rotory: 400ish- not this is with a turbo setup and its on a forum so take it for what its worth

with that said 50-75 pounds isnt a big deal when im also deleting smog, ac, alum gt40p heads, and relocating the battery to the back. I WILL retain factoryish weight distribution.
those rotorys are fun to drive though. ill give them that. iv owned a 88 rx7 gtu before and it was blast- just always wished it had a little more power. and by a little, i mean alot :evil2:


New Member
May 9, 2011
Madison, Virginia
You came here asking for help with a ford engine swap in an rx7 but are not appreciating the opinions they're giving you. Many have said SBC or ls1 because it's better than a 302 but you completely refuse to listen to what is said.

It seems you made up your mind before even making the post.

Many say LS because you wanted more power, LS's make more power per bolt on than your 302 not to mention they're 90 hp up on it already.

IMO I greatly dislike the 302 from the foxbody maybe it's the fact everyone tries to rock the 302 like it's some kind of amazing engine in its stock form or because most of the ford 302 fans are ignorant of all else beside the 302 5.0(4.9).

Just my .02


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
you made absolutely no point of why the ford engine is a bad choice, its a roller engine with forged internals which is great for a cheap engine to boost. in my OP i stated a chev engine will not be going in the car then restated it many times after. I was looking for opinions on ford engine options.


New Member
May 9, 2011
Madison, Virginia
mnracer550;1808343 said:
you made absolutely no point of why the ford engine is a bad choice, its a roller engine with forged internals which is great for a cheap engine to boost. in my OP i stated a chev engine will not be going in the car then restated it many times after. I was looking for opinions on ford engine options.

My post wasn't made to say ford is a bad choice. I was giving my opinion. I've seen/been in many SBF with bolt ons and wasn't impressed with the money spent vs hp/tq gained. I realize your main intent was to get ford swap options but you seem heavily swayed to the 302. Have you weighed all the costs to turbo a 302? How long it'll last at xxx horsepower?


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Duluth, Minnesota
yes i have weighed the costs. it is very cheap, and im a welder by trade so any fabrication will be free. if you google JYTT (junkyard twin turbo) 302 you will find many foxbody running twin t3s at 10psi on bone stock engines(with bigger injectors and pump obviously) with no issues and most on no tune although i am leaning toward a single hx35 instead of twins . with sticky tires these guys are runnign in the mid 10s. these engine love boost.