I just finished my build and when we got everything all together there was a spark problem. We found what caused the problem and it was the coil pack ground being faulty at the plug. As im driving last night my car just dies sorta like I ran out of gas or no battery. We pushed it home as it didnt make sense for me to try and diagnose a problem on the side of a main road. I get it back and hook up my spark plug tester and find to my amazement NOT SPARK. I checked the connection of the ground that we fixed and the connection is good, and I didnt blow the ignitor fuse like I thought I did. I just finished reading through the ignition trouble shooting on the TSRM and almost all these avenues I have exhausted with no luck. I'm going to be doing the most I can when I get outta work tonight any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance