I gutted the turbo today. Surprisingly easy to dismantle the turbo while its still mounted to the exhaust manifold. Found my culprit as well...There was NO oil seal. Guessing it disintegrated. The turbine had so much play that the exhaust side was chipped in several spots. The compressor wheel on the cold side was melted and spinning way off center causing the wheel to dig into the housing in one spot.
I feel like I'm lucky that all of this didn't ruin my motor. But the car is back up and running. I pulled the turbine shaft and wheels and replaced with a bolt and washers to keep any exhaust from entering the intake side.
She is running great. Major loss of power due to the long range that outside air has to travel into the throttle body. But can make it safely to work and back home until I find a suitable turbo replacement.
Thanks guys.
I will be uploading pictures of my tear-down as well. I'd say the oil return bolts and C-clamp were the hardest parts of this tear-down.