If you could let me know what you think is your favorite and why, it will really help me decide. Just like my art, I have to know what people think or I won't go anywhere.
This is one of many important things in marketing myself, and I want to get it right on the first try so I don't have to refer people to another URL after changing it. I wanted some unbiased (not from friends or family) opinions, and supramania members would be perfect!
I want something that:
looks professional
isn't too cumbersome to type (has to be freaking easy so lazy people don't give up)
is as easy to read as possible
conveys that I am a professional photographer
is comfortably short, so I can use it in watermarks (see current images containing "figit090.deviantart.com" for comparison)
For those wondering, here is some of my work (not the future website by the way): http://andrewsible.daportfolio.com/
also my deviantart gallery that has much more work, updated daily: http://figit090.deviantart.com/gallery/
I am building a website to showcase and sell my work, and give future clients galleries for proofing and ordering. It will serve as a communication front for shoots, organizing and selling photo sets, and individual fine art prints, all printed at MPix labs (professional printing) and shipped to their door, if I choose to do business that way. (I could fulfill the prints my self through Costco and make more at first).
I have some of my friend's opinions but I really desire opinions from those I don't know personally, and perhaps those who have never pronounced my name, encase that has any bearing on the decision. FYI my last name is like "Bible" only with an "S". Not SIBBLE, but 'sigh-bull' in layman phonetics:naughty:, I figure over 50% of people will read it wrong.. :icon_mad: no real concern, though.
I really appreciate your help! Seriously...THANK YOU in advance to those taking the time to read this!
Since every thread is better with pics, AND I am a photographer, I should post some pics:
This is one of many important things in marketing myself, and I want to get it right on the first try so I don't have to refer people to another URL after changing it. I wanted some unbiased (not from friends or family) opinions, and supramania members would be perfect!
I want something that:
looks professional
isn't too cumbersome to type (has to be freaking easy so lazy people don't give up)
is as easy to read as possible
conveys that I am a professional photographer
is comfortably short, so I can use it in watermarks (see current images containing "figit090.deviantart.com" for comparison)
For those wondering, here is some of my work (not the future website by the way): http://andrewsible.daportfolio.com/
also my deviantart gallery that has much more work, updated daily: http://figit090.deviantart.com/gallery/
I am building a website to showcase and sell my work, and give future clients galleries for proofing and ordering. It will serve as a communication front for shoots, organizing and selling photo sets, and individual fine art prints, all printed at MPix labs (professional printing) and shipped to their door, if I choose to do business that way. (I could fulfill the prints my self through Costco and make more at first).
I have some of my friend's opinions but I really desire opinions from those I don't know personally, and perhaps those who have never pronounced my name, encase that has any bearing on the decision. FYI my last name is like "Bible" only with an "S". Not SIBBLE, but 'sigh-bull' in layman phonetics:naughty:, I figure over 50% of people will read it wrong.. :icon_mad: no real concern, though.
I really appreciate your help! Seriously...THANK YOU in advance to those taking the time to read this!
Since every thread is better with pics, AND I am a photographer, I should post some pics: