Help me choose a throttle body


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
good read, can we get that post into the tech area? thats a bunch of great info that EVERYONE should know, and it doesnt pertain only to the 7m


475rwhp459torq an climbin
Apr 3, 2005
Some where out there
All this may or maynot be relevant but for this post I don't see the need....I am not even trying to read any of it since it is theory.I stand by my post from pure good old fashion trial and error. I went to a 3" upper IC pipe with a smaller turbo than I currently have, and the car was more responsive. I am not even going to dig up the thread on S/F that shows why having larger Ic pipes will benefit you. This was done using a turbo charger, IC, and IC piping illustration.Of course going too big in any given component ie turbo, piping, or IC size, and lagg can be created. For this particular post to stay on subject we are merely talking about a larger TB and a 3" inlet IC pipe. Sooo anything out side of that is moot.
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Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Oh, I assure you it's relevant...that's why I talked about the stock TB and the effect a sub-sized TB will have. Mike had a top end problem due to the IC inlet/outlet being too small...this is the reason why. Corky Bell (founder of CarTech...trained mechanical engineer) has discussed critical velocity...pretty sure he knows what he's talking about.

The science behind all this is not theory...what will change is application on a specific car. There's many variables involved...unless you want to change parts of the turbo system (and spend the associated $$$) until you figure out what works, a little research and knowledge will get you on the right track to begin with.

I don't go to SF anymore...anyone that questions the "group think" or goes outside the experience that people have on that forum is immediately bashed. Not to mention the totally inaccurate info/BS that gets posted there. A rather closed minded group that doesn't want to be bothered by digging into the reason why something works or doesn't. That's also the reason I hesitated even posting this explanation here and getting into debating someone's experience.

This is why you want to use specific sized piping, TB, and IC for the's how you get the most out of your set-up. You can understand it or you can ignore it...that is a personal choice. ;)


475rwhp459torq an climbin
Apr 3, 2005
Some where out there
The info that I am referring to is from corky bells flow diagram I do believe. As I said your long explanation may, or may not be acuurate, and I wont debate the validity of the content; since that is truely not my purpose of that statemen. I offer conclusively only my personal experience on that subject. I find just as much jibber jabber bullshit here on SM as I see on S/F. I have discussed this many times with IJ. The best tech site I have been on so far without the nonsense posting is Drjonze's site. That site keeps unknowledgeable posters out. I prefer it that way keep irrelevant noise levels to a minimum especially when it comes to fact finding info.

Respectfully speaking
Sometimes rather than to say something in a word that 90% of the people can understand is easier than using a word only 10% can understand. So I am just keeping it as stated from my experience


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Sometimes rather than to say something in a word that 90% of the people can understand is easier than using a word only 10% can understand. So I am just keeping it as stated from my experience

I've been thinking about know, you are right. It is rather arrogant of me to post trivial info that 90% of the people don't was against my better judgement to post...I should never have done so. I'll delete the post so the folks that read this thread can have the benefit and guidance of those experienced in selecting the proper sized piping & TB.


WTF did he just wright ?
Aug 5, 2005
Victoria BC
heheh when i explain thign i use words that 2 year old can under stand cause that is the only shit i can spell right

plus long post liek that witch was well laid down are fine by me


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
jdub said:
I would like to hear this explanation ;)
Especially the effect pipe diameter has on air flow critical velocity and the effect on critical velocity through a smaller opening from a larger pipe. I believe Bernoulli had quite a bit to say on this subject ;)

Didn't have time when I posted this to explain....I was just meaning that each deviation from straight constant diameter pipe will represent a backpressure on the system. (Bends, size transitions, things impeding flow like a throttle butterfly, etc.) A throttle body at the diameter of the piping will be a restriction when the butterfly is fully open, and a bigger throttle body will lower this restriction. This is not a blanket statement though as size increases and decreases in piping also add to backpressure and a throttle body which is too big, may represent an increase of backpressure (due to piping size differences) which is greater than that seen of a smaller TB.

I'm assuming you know all of this as the mention of Bernoulli and critical velocity aren't commonly used terms.


475rwhp459torq an climbin
Apr 3, 2005
Some where out there
jdub said:
I've been thinking about know, you are right. It is rather arrogant of me to post trivial info that 90% of the people don't was against my better judgement to post...I should never have done so. I'll delete the post so the folks that read this thread can have the benefit and guidance of those experienced in selecting the proper sized piping & TB.

Now that would be pointless, and childish...You are a true techie for sure you have stated this yourself , and a thorough break down of how things work are always welcome. Anytime you feel the need feel free to express yourself to the utmost. However; Sometimes simplicity is all that is needed for most to understand. I am not trying to take away from, debate, or deminish the intellectual skills that you display at all.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
jdub said:
I've been thinking about know, you are right. It is rather arrogant of me to post trivial info that 90% of the people don't was against my better judgement to post...I should never have done so. I'll delete the post so the folks that read this thread can have the benefit and guidance of those experienced in selecting the proper sized piping & TB.

Please put it back, It was way the hell over my head, however I was doing the nessesary research to understand what you were trying to tell me...(andothers)