I foresee (thanks mkiii n00b) that you'll have to piddle about with the ignition timing, and that you'll have atleast 1, if not several vacuum leaks. This will be especially crucial regarding the EGR, if you decide to just disable it (which I did) you'll need to cap a few vacuum lines from the throttle body, remember to do this, elsewise you'll probably loose them in behind the intake and spend all night tracking down the vacuum leak. a spritz bottle of water will help you track down vacuum leaks. You'll need a timing light to do ignition timing, but it'll almost certainly be wrong, if it even fires up at all, it's possible that you've got it lined up on the crank, but not on the cams and that you're 360* of crank revolution out of phase. that's not intended as a knock on ya, it's happened to me lots of times, on lots of motors.
Let us know what symptoms it gives you once you get it running tho, and we'll go from there.