Last night, pulling into a gas station, sitting right on a 1/4 tank, I pull on my fuel door latch and its gives no resistance and doesnt open the door. Im guessing its a cable somewhere, and there is nothing in Haynes, and one post on here that has the same problem. I tried accessing it from the trunk, but theres no way I can reach, and I pulled a bit of my carpet up by the latch, but in such good condition, I'd rather not pull it up anymore. I cannot find any other way to get to a cable. I tried sticking a screwdriver in the door to see if i could pry/unlatch it, didn't work.
Anyone else have this problem or a suggestion for a solution?
I can't drive my car ('89 Turbo) until I get this open.
Thanks! :1zhelp:
Anyone else have this problem or a suggestion for a solution?
I can't drive my car ('89 Turbo) until I get this open.
Thanks! :1zhelp: